chapter 15 {dreams and memories}

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"TERESA. . . "

"Just. . .just tell me the truth. How do you feel about this? What's wrong?"

He sighed, leaning back and closing his eyes. The whole time he did this, she watched him closely, and swallowed - he looked confused and lost. But would he really feel like that? After being here with her, for nearly all his life?

"Teresa, why are we doing this?" Thomas asked her.

Teresa looked down. They'd both seen it, together, and Teresa separately. They'd seen the Cranks, and the world that was slowly yet quickly, wasting away. They'd both seen how ruthless WICKED was, and that's what scared them - WICKED wasn't willing to let them go, or let them have freedom.

They were property of WICKED. WICKED wouldn't stop. Their methods were wrong, but their motives were right. It was difficult to say that WICKED was truly good, when there was nothing sure about saying it. But then Teresa remembered. She remembered her mother. She remembered her mother, saying everything was fine, after she'd just taken her own eyes out. That was when it truly hit the four or five year old Teresa- the Flare wouldn't stop killing until something was done.

"Were doing this, because it's the right thing to do, Tom"

TERESA inhales sharply, even though she's still unconscious. She lays on the makeshift bed in the medical hut, Thomas sitting beside her. He holds onto her hand, stroking it with his thumb. He's been through the Changing before; and he wants to help her as much as he possibly can.

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