chapter 21 {a question}

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"DO YOU EVER WONDER," he starts. "how big the world actually is?"

Her eyes look out to the ocean ahead of where they're sat on the sand. It's later on in the evening, a sunset having set across the whole of Paradise.

"Yeah, but not much of it is left" she answers, shrugging.

"I know" Thomas says, noting her saddened expression.

He pulls her towards him, arm keeping her close to his chest. Her head rests on his shoulder, dark hair rustled up.

"Do you know what I was thinking of the other day?"

"What?" he asks.

"How we don't even know our own birthdays" she says, with a small smile. A sad one.

"Yeah. . .well, at least we know each other"

She chuckles. "That's a good point" she says, looking up, sarcastic as she smiles wider.

It's when he looks in her eyes, that he feels it again. That feeling. The feeling that destroyed him, hurt him, yet made him him. His love her for her was killing him inside when she joined WICKED. And her love for him very nearly killed her.

You could say they're too young to feel like that. Maybe. But they've been through a lot together, now trying to navigate what freedom is like, whilst supporting each other.

Though it's been a few months of living in Paradise, it feels like it's been years. Everyone has settled in perfectly, everything running smoothly. No signs of WICKED, nor Cranks.

As it's been a few months, their love for each other grew stronger. Even though they wouldn't loose each other to anyone or any cause, Thomas still has nightmares on loosing the love of his life.

Even though she'll calm him down after he awakens, and holds onto him, stroking his hair as he clings onto her in relief, he's still frightened.

Because, unlike the time when they were separated, Thomas truly knows and understands, that he wouldn't be able to live without her.

Sometimes, he's scared that he's just dreaming. He's terrified with the prospect that one day he'll wake up, and Teresa won't be there to hold him. And that he'll never see her smile, or hear her voice again.

"Tom?" she whispers, placing her hand gently on his cheek.

I love you, he thinks.

He blinks. "What?"

"You spaced out again, like you do when you get flashbacks. . ."

"I'm fine— no flashbacks. I was just thinking" he states, rubbing her arm in comfort.

"Of what?"

I love you.

He sighs. Thomas doesn't get scared easily. Nervous. Not anymore. He only really feels fear, when it's anything related to anything that puts a risk on her, or their relationship.

"Do you love me?" he asks, quietly.

Teresa's eyes widen, blue showing shock. "Of course I do, you know I do, Tom I—"

"Then will you marry me, Teresa Agnes?"


a/n: so i haven't updated in almost a year, bc i didn't know what to write.

but thanks to everyone who's been commenting on this story, you're support and comments make me smile :)

ps: i thought of an ending to this book but i think that though it would be good, it would be too sad/bitter.

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