chapter 12 {the real truth}

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"I know, but the shanks' actually gotta admit it first"

"Yeah, well he's capable of many things, and he's got the brains. . .but when it comes to that, he's clueless and he hasn't done anything about it"

"I know, Gally" he sighs, frustrated.

"We need to talk some sense into him"

"I know, but I don't think he'll listen. If only we had Newt. . ."

There's a long pause. "Newt would be very glad that at least we're going to do this for him. I don't care if the shank ain't having it - we both know it, and I bet ya he won't be able to deny it" Gally says, seriously. Yet he smiles.

Minho nods head. "Right, operation 'let's get Thomas and Teresa together' starts, now"

"Hang on, operation 'let's them to talk about it first' is first, then operation two" Gally says.

Minho nods, grinning. "Alright, Captain Gally"

THOMAS SITS like a small boy, quiet and observant, on the wooden table. He watches Teresa as she packs away some new bandages that were made from the cotton plants, grown in the cotton fields in the greener parts of the Paradise.

He watches at how focused she is at doing the task. Like himself, when he's concentrated on doing something, he forgets everything else, only focusing on the job. But he's noticed, that he doesn't forget her whenever him and Minho go exploring. Or when he's got spare time, (and when Teresa's working, and he doesn't want to disrupt her) and he helps Gally lift logs of wood, to build into storage shelters.

But he's noticed that apart from the thoughts of keeping his breathing steady whilst he runs, he mostly thinks of her. 'Mostly'

Him and Minho have the day of running today, much to Teresa's relief. It had been three days since Thomas went back out to the wilderness, with Minho. Vince decided last minute, in the morning, that the two Runner's ought to stay nearby. He said, he could smell the air, and that it smelt like a storm was coming.

None of the Glader's questioned him - they're not used to rain. Not when it never rained where they were trapped in the Maze for 2 years, and when they were slogging through a desert. Though, there was a pretty horrific thunderstorm. . .due to the heat.


He looks up from his clasped hands on his lap, to the girl who commonly ends up in his thoughts.

"Yeah?" he clears his throat.

"There's a Minho and a Gally that wanna talk to you" Teresa says, smiling over at the two. They wave at Thomas, a tad too enthusiastically.

What the hell is up with them?, Thomas wonders.

He hops of the table he was sat on, and pats Teresa on the shoulder, telling her he'll be back as soon as they're finished talking about whatever they want to talk to him about.

Once the three have stepped outside, and Thomas has shut the wooden door of the medical hut, he turns his back around to look at the two.

"What?" Thomas asks, a little rudely.

Minho acts like he's been jabbed in the face, and fakes falling back.

"Well, excuse us, but me and my pal Gally need to talk to your stubborn self about something serious" Minho states, sarcastically.

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