chapter 13 {why he did}

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THE STORM lasted for hours and hours. It's early evening by now.

Once some realised that it would be safe to exit their huts, Minho found Gally. Gally was on his way to find Minho, so they found each other quickly. They both knew why they found each other, straight away.

They're both wondering the same thing - Thomas and Teresa. Did he tell her? Did she tell him? Someone better have, Newt would've wanted them to both be happy, Minho wonders.

"Do you think either of them said anything?" Gally asks him, whilst looking out at their surroundings.

Minho sighs, looking from the ocean, to Gally. "They're both brave. But not so brave when it comes to talking about that"

"I know, but do you think one of them did?" Gally persists.

"One of them. Don't know who, but they both would've figured that they both knew about it, and both were thinking about it. Someone would've brought it up"

TERESA HEAD SLUMPS against Thomas, tired of waiting. Her and Thomas have been waiting for the storm to stop, for hours. During those hours, feelings were admitted. Truthful words were spoken, and some emotional tears were shed.

Now, Thomas' arms are loosely wrapped around Teresa's frame, both waiting for some other sign of life. They're both not particularly fond of being stuck enclosed, indoors, with something bad and invasive ongoing outside. It reminds them of the bad things that happened in the past.

"How long is this gonna take?" Thomas groans.

Teresa looks up at him, moving her head up from where it was resting on his shoulder. "You're complaining about being stuck in here, with me?"

"No, no. Of course not, I never got annoyed when you stayed with me when I had concussion, did I?" he points out, a small smile forming.

"True, but oh. . . it's because you don't like being stuck in small spaces knowing bad stuff is happening around you, isn't it?" Teresa figures out.

Thomas nods, hugging her closer. His head goes to her hair, and he closes his eyes, inhaling her sea salt scented hair. "I know you're like that, too" he mumbles into her hair.

"Well, you do know me" Teresa points out, sarcastically.

"I do, Deedee"

"Oh, don't even-"

Teresa is cut off by someone banging on the door. The two look at each other, confused. Teresa stands, and walks over to the wooden door. She opens it, and comes face to face with two familiar faces.

Minho carries his lantern, and Gally carries some wooden logs in his arms.

"Erm, hey guys" Teresa says, still confused.

Minho smiles at her. "You two confessed to each other, yet?"

"Well-" Teresa is cut off by Thomas, who's silently walked up to the door.

"We have. Love the lantern, Minho. Gally, why the logs?" Thomas asks.

"Oh, in case the storm did some damage, I'd start making some repairs. Is your hut good?" Gally explains.

"Yeah, it's fine," Thomas answers. "Is everyone else okay?"

"Yeah, they're all good. Everyone's just outside the main shelter, they all want some fresh air, and Fry's cooking food. We thought we'd check on you guys, and pick you up" Gally says.

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