chapter 14 {seeing 'mother' teresa}

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"TERESA, listen to me! I'm not happy with this, I don't want you doing this" Thomas told her firmly, his hands ran through his hair, stressed.

"I have to, and it was agreed. I need to, Thomas"

H O U R S  E A R L I E R

THE next day after the storm had started, and everyone had returned back to normal. Thomas and Minho, however, don't return to their running. The storm could have more accident prone consequences.

Teresa is helping comfort a little four year old Immune boy, who's still frightened from the storm, in case it comes back. They aren't in the medical hut; they're both sat under the main shelter, her arm wrapped around his smaller body, comforting him. He doesn't cry, but his eyes show fear.

She understands that he won't be used to it. She understands why he's so frightened, because it's unfamiliar to him. He's spent the whole life that he can remember, indoors, being shifted from WICKED compound to WICKED compound. She knows he wasn't hurt, but every single Subject would have their blood sampled. Including her and Thomas.

"Hey, you'll be okay, alright?"she tells him, gently.

He looks up at her, from where his head was hiding in her embrace.

He nods. "Promise?" he asks her.

She nods, smiling. "Promise"

THOMAS see's the two from where he's stood in the distance, alongside Minho, Frypan and Gally. They're all helping out, by checking on the crops that were planted. Thankfully, none seem to have drowned (amazingly) from the rain. He smiles his small smile, at the view. How peaceful and at ease Teresa looks, interacting with a child.

Again, it hits him. She never meant any harm. She really did what she thought was right. She's the most caring, kind person he's ever met. The most caring, considerate person.

Yes, he was angry at her when she told WICKED where everyone was hiding. Yet, he was also heartbroken. He felt betrayed. He feels so guilty for being cruel towards her, yet he knows that he's forgiven her, and she's forgiven him. But they're both scarred for life. But at least they have each other, and everyone else. That's the most important thing they all have.

Newt's words ring in his head, back when they were all in the Glade. When he told Thomas, that Alby said the most important thing they had, was each other.

Minho notices his glances aimed towards Teresa and the young boy, further away. Minho stands from where he was squatting, the earth perfectly fine.

"Annoyed there's a different boy by her, and not you" He teases, yet he says it in his normal voice.

Thomas shakes his head. "I've been so bad to her"

Minho stops, and tilts his head. "You've forgiven her, and you both love each other. You haven't been bad to her"

"But I was, before"

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