chapter 22 {marriage}

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a/n: It's been months. I know. I've had to deal with gcses and mental health and writers block, but hopefully now I'll be back on track since I'm on holiday. Please read the other a/n that I'll leave at the end.

This chapter is to all of you who have loved and supported this book from the very beginning.






The said boy rolls his eyes. "Fine. What?"

"Don't act like you don't know, I've literally been stressing to you about this, for the whole day!" Thomas complains.

Despite being hunted down for his blood from a certain cooperation, getting jump scared by Cranks, trapped in a Maze with no memories, and being almost killed multiple times, he has never felt so stressed. Agitated.

He wants this day to go smoothly. Perfectly.

"I get it, Thomas. I mean, not exactly, but I know you're worried. But, it'll be okay. We're all together, we're in Paradise. And. . .we know Newt will be watching over us" Minho comforts him, patting his shoulder.

Thomas nods, looking him in the eye. The mention of Newt makes him emotional, but in a way, content. Because he believes what Minho said, to be true. And the edges of his lips tilt up, ever so slightly.

"Thanks, Minho"

"Anytime, shank"

The sound of Jorge coughing to get the two's attention, makes them face forward. Thomas's nerves start him up, again. He tries to distract himself, by taking in the surroundings. The building, built with Gally's aid and the others, stands steadily, adorned with fresh greenery and lit candles.

Behind Thomas and Minho, are wooden benches with everyone sat on them. Sam, the little boy that Thomas treats as a younger brother, is sat right at the front. The grin on his little face is brighter than the sun.

That, is what helps ease Thomas's nerves. Because even Sam knows the next few hours will be smooth. No WICKED person will come barging in, setting the place alight, nor a Griever rolling in to drag people away.

Rubbing his clammy hands on the smartest trousers he could find, he inhales deeply. He asks Minho if his shirt is creased, and it's not. Okay, Thomas thinks. Just relax.

A second later, they can hear a door from the back opening. Everyone hushes down. Thomas slowly turns his head, to see.

And there she stands.

Wearing a simple, yet elegant white dress that was carefully handmade. Her dark hair, left natural, has little flowers delicately placed round. Her eyes, more blue and more filled with love than ever before. Her smile, brighter than ever.

And as she walks down the short aisle, the smile is never wiped off her fresh face. And the closer she gets to Thomas, the calmer he feels.

He feels like he wouldn't be able to breathe without her.

As the ceremony goes on, Thomas begins to think of how lucky he is. Lucky that Teresa never stopped caring for him. Lucky how she's the most incredible person he knows. Lucky how she saved him. Lucky how, even WICKED, acknowledged their bond.

Because now their bond is given the new title, of marriage.

Something they both dared dreamed of, thinking it was impossible, given their previous circumstances.

When given the chance to give a small speech, Thomas chokes up, full of overwhelming emotion. He's laughing lightly, as he does it, though. Obviously, it's not a sad occasion.

When it's Teresa's turn, her eyes water heavily, but she keeps it together as she holds onto her lovers hands.

"Honestly Tom. . .the moment I first saw you, there was something about you. I know that sounds cliché, but it's true. And when we met again, in the Maze. . .your eyes were the first thing I fell in love with. Which was impossible, since I was already in love with you before. It was how caring you were. How caring they looked. Because you, Thomas- you're the most caring person I know. And you're the bravest, most amazing man I have ever know. And I love you. . .more than anything. I always will"

Thomas is trying to keep it in, but a single tear falls. Teresa quickly wipes it away, a giggle falling from her lips. He quickly whispers an 'I love you'.

When they're pronounced as man and wife, their kiss is almost angelic to view. And everyone erupts into applause.

Teresa pulls away, giggling. She clutches onto Thomas's hand, and the two begin to walk out of the building, where more are stood. The others start throwing different coloured flower petals at the two as they stand, together.

Thomas and Teresa both feel this overwhelmingly happy feeling. Something the both of them never thought they'd be able to feel.

Knowing Thomas is probably feeling more overwhelmed than her, Teresa turns to him, as people begin to cheer at the first wedded couple in Paradise.

"Are you okay, husband?"

He looks down to her, smiling. A real smile. With perfect timing, with the sun about to dip into the sea, he replies with a kiss and a few words.

"More than okay, wife"


a/n: so, that was the last chapter of FORGIVENESS AND FATE. Thank you to everyone who's stuck with this book. Thank you for all the support, the votes and your lovely comments that I REALLY REALLY appreciate.

Helpfully, I'll be posting BONUS CHAPTERS of Thomas and Teresa's life, as well as stuff happening in Paradise, as there's some things I've left without writing more.

I literally wish this was their ending. They deserve it.

Thank you for reading, pwease vote :)

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