chapter 7 {her before him}

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THOMAS AND TERESA had both spent the evening, sat, watching the Stone, silently. They were both silent, eyes flitting over each name that had been engraved.

Many names had been carved. Too many names. When Teresa's eyes looked upon Chuck's name, she looked down. She remembered, all too well, how he died. And how innocent he was. And how brave he was. And how he mindlessly, let himself die for Thomas. Just like she would've. Just like she very, nearly did.

When Thomas's eyes passed Newt's name, his throat tightened. He was the last person Newt would ever see. He would be the last person who saw Newt alive. He was the person who saw him die. The one who saw the Flare take full effect on him. The one who Newt last spoke to.

That's when they both realised, that even though they're free, the memories of their friends dying right in front of them, the struggles for survival they all had, and WICKED, would always be there. They can never be free of that.

Their thoughts were disrupted, Minho carrying his lantern, telling them everyone was heading off to their huts to sleep.

THOMAS HAD FALLEN ASLEEP. At first, Teresa did. Thomas couldn't- it was too difficult. So, he moved to lie beside Teresa. Then he drifted off. . .

"Chuck!" Thomas wails, his friend cradled in his arms.

He does with his eyes still opened, his last words thanking Thomas for everything he'd done. But Thomas wasn't proud- he promised he'd get Chuck out (which he did) but alive.

The dream then shows quick, dark flashes of Newt. But it's not the friend that everyone was used to- no, it's the last look that Newt ever had. The look of a nightmare, and fear.

Then he see's her.

He see's her. He see's her, but it's not recent. . .no, it looks like it's before the Maze. Her face is close to him, and it looks like she's worried, and scared. Her blue eyes, that Thomas has always been able to read well, show fear and terror. Worry.

He realises. It's because he's done something. He gave away all the information about the WICKED compounds and experiments. He's in deep trouble, and knows the consequences. And she'll probably get dragged into the trouble, too.

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