chapter 16 {could always remember}

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a/n: idk what this chapter is but there's a load of fluff & i really dk what this is

WHEN THOMAS had returned to Teresa, along with Minho and Vince, Teresa told them everything she could now remember. She told them everything, except from one, small yet huge thing.

Thomas, being Thomas, and from knowing Teresa so well, could tell she was holding something back. So, when Minho and Vince left the two alone in the medical hut, Thomas pried her for why she was acting slightly strange.

Then she told him. She told him something very important. A piece of his original identity. The name his mother had originally given him, before he was named after Thomas Edison. Stephen.

Now, a day later, Thomas is trying to let it sink in. But it's difficult. All he would ever remember, was being called 'Thomas' and yet the name Stephen does make him feel a small yet familiar connection, but it still sounds alien. Weird. He thinks he prefers the name WICKED have him, and even though that's ironic as he grew to hate the organisation, it's the name he's used to. It was the first thing he could remember when he was sent up into the Maze.

"Well, I don't know if it's creepy, or romantic. . . How you two can, somehow, remember each others original names" Minho says.

Thomas nods, turning his eyes from the sea to face Minho. Today is the day Teresa will be leaving the medical hut, fully recovered from the process of the Changing.

"I just. . .I don't know, but the things she said she could remember. . . It sounded like I was scaring the hell out of her" Thomas admits, worried.

Minho roll his eyes. "Well, shank, you kinda do. No one knows what your planning next, and- well actually you never make plans"

Thomas blinks.

"Okay, kidding. She loves you Thomas. She's not scared of you" Minho tells him, patting him on the back.

Thomas sighs. "Alright"

The two hear the familiar sound of Teresa talking behind them. She's talking to Frypan. Thomas stands, suddenly, and Minho slowly gets up after him. The two walk to where Teresa talks with Frypan, and she spots Thomas and Minho. She smiles, and Thomas feels a sense of relief. And his heart warming at the sight. Okay, so she's not scared of me. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, Thomas thinks.

A FEW HOURS later, Thomas and Teresa are walking alongside the waves. The waves swoosh, overlapping each other, drowning out any background noise of people building things, and talking.

There's no need to talk. And that's something that both of them love. They don't feel like it's necessary for them to talk constantly to one another to stop it from behind awkward. But then, Thomas wants to bring something up.

"You're not scared of me, are you?" he asks, after they've walked into the forest part.

Teresa turns to look at him, brows furrowed. "What? No, of course not"

Thomas looks down, feeling guilty, for some reason. "It's just. . .I think I scared you, before I got sent into the Maze. Because I wasn't confident or sure about anything, and you were the only one that knew" he rambles.

"Well, it was worrying seeing you like that, but it didn't scare me" she tells him, truthfully.

Thomas breaths a sigh of relief, which seems over exaggerated to Teresa, making her burst out with laughter.

"You were actually scared, thinking I was scared of you?"

Thomas snorts, and covers his face with his hands, embarrassed and laughing. Teresa, still laughing, tells him it's okay, and tried to pry his hands away from his face. But since he's stronger, he manages to keep his blushing face hidden from her view. But then, he becomes a weak from the sound of her laughing, and eventually she sees his face.

Her hands frame his face, watching him as he looks down at the floor. He doesn't want to look her in the eye, thinking he'll burst out laughing again. It's weird, as he's not used to laughing this much. It's strange seeing and hearing Teresa smile and laugh, and it's almost too perfect for him to see.

After a while, Thomas managed to stop chuckling quietly, and settles for his normal small smile. Though it hurts his cheeks, straining them for trying to prevent himself from laughing. Teresa looks him, her hands still resting on his cheeks.

Whilst she looks at him, a thought comes to her.


He looks up at the sound of her being serious. "Yeah?"

"Don't you find it. . .I don't know. Don't you find it weird, or how do you find it, that only we can remember each others real names?" she asks him.

He ponders for a moment, wrapping his arms loosely around her frame.

"Er, well it means were special, right? And remember, we probably said before that we are different"

"Correction, the day I came up in the Box, you asked me why we were different" Teresa tells him, pointedly.

Thomas nods, looking at her. He wonders for a moment.

"Do you think the others still think that we're different?" he asks.

"Probably. Plus, I don't think most couples tend to go through the things that we went through" she tells him, mindlessly playing with his hair.

She tries to move his hair upwards, so it spikes up.

"W-wait. . . couples?" Thomas asks, his heart beating quicker. Hope.

Her fingers still, and leave his dark hair. "Um. . . "

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