chapter 17 {are soulmates real?}

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SHE STANDS IN FRONT OF HIM, her hands no longer threaded in his dark hair. Her mind is blank, her heart beats fast. Too fast. Like she'll explode. She literally just said that her and Thomas were a couple, even though no words regarding a potential relationship have been said.

She shifts on her feet, looking down at the ground. She can feel Thomas' gaze burning her face as she looks down. I have to think. . .But what do I think of? What do I say? What should I do? Oh God, what the hell am I supposed to do?I

"T-Thomas. . .I. . .I don't know what-"

"No, no. . .it's okay"

A few seconds of wandering, and silence pass.

"I meant that-that we're pretty much a couple. Yeah, that is what I meant" Teresa says, struggling. She looks up, to see how he reacts.

Thomas nods, and then thinks about it. He thinks about what he's been thinking about lots. He sighs, quietly. Well, you were going to at some point, he thinks to himself.

"T-Teresa, will you. . ."

"BRENDA, DO YOU KNOW WHERE THOMAS AND TERESA HAVE GONE?" Frypan asks her, whilst she helps him out in the kitchen.

Her mixing stops, but starts again, slowing down. She ponders, Frypan watching her. "Er, I actually don't know"

"Hmm" Frypan wonders.

Brenda wanders, and comes to a conclusion. It may have happened. Or it may have not. But she hopes it has. And she knows that everyone else who's aware of the situation between the two, dishonest this to happen.
Yet nothing has been confirmed. They're all just wishing for it to happen, and it may be a while.

"I think we're both thinking of the same thing"

"Yeah, we defiantly are"

Frypan, who's finished cooking, places the spoon down. "I'm gonna ask Min and Gally if they know where they are. I'll be back soon"WHERE

Frypan walks away, but his eyes widen at the sight.

THOMAS AND TERESA HAVE always been two people that all the boys in the Glade had thought about. Ever since the girl came up in the Box, and said his name, it got all of them wondering.

Apart from the thoughts that they were potential previous lovers, and maybe were still together, or thoughts like that, the thought they all shared bugged them all.

How could they remember each other? Why could they?

It was obvious they had a connection, even though they didn't know each other. But then, they did. How can two people be like that? How can two people be separated, their former friendship previously vanished without their permission, yet still feel something towards one another.

How. Is. That. Possible?

Are they soulmates? Is that how they can remember one another? Can they be soulmates, despite the fact that their memories of one another were supposedly completely removed?


Minho looks up from where he's harvesting corn, to Gally's face. Realising he doesn't know the answer, Minho shrugs. Gally sighs, looking at the distance as Minho stands.

"Where do you think they went?" Gally wonders.

"Walk. Probably into the forest bit," Minho answers. "Why?"

" I dunno, just wondering that the two people we talk about a lot, aren't here. . .Oh God"

"What?" Minho asks, confused at Gally's expression.

"I think he's gonna ask her"

Minho's eyes widen at Gally's thought. It makes a lot of sense.

"Oh. . ." Minho trails off.

"My. . ." Gally starts, but then doesn't know what else he's supposed to say.

"God"Minho finishes.

None of them noticed that Frypan has come up behind them. So when he taps them both on the shoulder, they both jump. Minho's hand covers his chest, still shocked.

"Never do that again. Ever"

  "Sorry man, but I was wondering where Thomas and Teresa were, and then I've just seen them" he informs.

"W-what?" Gally stutters, looking at Minho and then back to Frypan.

" I said, I was wondering where Tom and Tee where, as they were gone for a long time, but I just saw them"

"You just saw them?" Minho confirms.

"Well, a few minutes ago when I was walking. They looked pretty happy . . .he even waved"

Gally raises his eyebrows. He can't imagine Thomas waving happily at anyone. Well, apart from one special girl. Minho mutters something, something that's sounds a lot like 'I wanna see them' and walks off before any of the two can stop him.

Gally's hand goes to his face.


a/n: I didn't really know what to write which is why this is bad

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