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'don't ever let go of my hand' -first love by suga (bts) ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼

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'don't ever let go of my hand'
-first love by suga (bts)
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intently, he looked down at his timetable which was all frayed and discoloured at the corners.
"ugh work all this week, why can't i get a day off at least."

he put the piece of flimsy paper on the desk and threw himself onto his comfortable sofa which was piled high with masses of blankets and pillows. all with their own intricate designs and all with their own memories.
he sighed and turned the tv on with the remote next to him on the coffee table.

"beep beep beep beep"
his alarm went off.
he struggled to get out from under the soft velvet and blankets he was under.

lifting his lifeless hand, he patted the hard surface until he felt his fingertips gliding on a smooth surface. he took his phone and turned the annoying alarm off.
"another tedious day of work," he groaned as he forcefully pulled the heavenly covers off of himself. his cloud-like surroundings were destroyed.
opening his eyes and staring at the ceiling he wondered what adventures awaited him today. probably just a bunch of 'cool' teenagers buying sweets and energy drinks.

he managed to limply get out of his paradise walking further away from it, losing his treasure. from his tall looming wardrobe, he pulled out the one thing which stuck out. his work uniform. green and orange. lovely colours to see this early in the morning. he preferred more pastel colours to bold ones. due to this he slipped on some socks with lace frills around the edges and rolled up the cuffs of his trousers; he couldn't help himself. it's not like his boss would notice.

looking in the mirror he lightly splashed his face with the cool refreshing water of gangnam and started his skincare routine to apply light makeup. he had to cover those dark circles which were acquired by watching sailor moon in the early morning for weeks on end. it was his favourite thing to watch; cute and magical. although he was only going to work he couldn't help but to apply a bit of pink eyeshadow and glitter. he felt extra extra today.

he picked up his phone and keys, put his shoes on and left the house. it was going to be a long day as always.

sitting in his white-leather seated car, he drove off to work blasting music from his bluetooth speakers in the car. he hated his job; only doing it just to pay his bills and fees for university. even though it was tiresome he at least got something out of it. too bad the maid cafes we're all booked up, he would've preferred that.

he arrived at the convenience store. what a sight. walking in, he put on a fake smile to his co-worker hoseok.

"jiminie!! how are you doing?" he exclaimed opening his arms to jimin.

jimin ran into his arms and whispered, "i mean shit but isn't that everyday here? luckily i have you."

hoseok pulled him in tighter, "yep but not for long i promised i'd meet namjoon to talk about song ideas for our assessment. sorry jiminie."

jimin grunted under his breath. great he thought. just amazing. he was going to manage the store by himself.

"jiminie? i have to leave in 15 minutes and i mean the store opens in 20 so do you want to watch something?"

jimin pulled away to walk to the counter with hoseok. he was looking down at his feet,
"yeah sure that's okay."

hoseok looked down trying to copy jimin,
"jiminie what did i tell you about wearing those socks!? boss wouldn't be pleased." he took his hand from his side and lifted jimin chin up,
"glitter aswell?? wow so cute and extra but don't blame it on me when you lose your job for dress code violation."

jimin blushed lightly through his b.b. cream. he loved it when people called him cute. it was a little soft spot in him for people to day that. and hoseok knew.

they both walked behind the counter and hoseok opened his laptop to his video files. who knows what stuff he kept on that forbidden laptop. using his mouse he clicked on sailor moon. jimin was thoroughly enjoying the episode until hoseok looked down at his wrist, the antique watch in his gaze.

"oh i'm so sorry jimin i have to go now," he pulled him in for a hug and as he did he slid some sort of box into jimin's back pockets though jimin thought it was some excuse to feel his ass.

as hoseok ran out the shop, jimin patted his pockets to see what hoseok put in there.
he pulled it out infront of him to see it was a pot of glitter. jimin smiled thankfully that he was friends with hoseok.

just before jimin started his shift and opened the shop to the customers he checked his emails.

using his cursor to click on the received, he then saw one from his boss. what if he were to get fired?? oh well he took the risk and tapped on the email anyways.
it read

dear park jimin

today plans have changed on your schedule at work. from 7:30 to 14:30 there will be a music artist shooting a music video in and around our premises. if you could not open the shop until the crew finish shooting that would be very appreciated. sorry if this is on very short notice but we hope you understand and continue to work and support.

- manager of the 1763 branch,
lee sejun

jimin closed his phone and placed it on the counter. wow a music video shooting. why here at this shitty place? maybe they aren't quite as famous or something. he shrugged it off casually but little did he know this would change everything.

a/n as i said in my galaxy i'm going to publish my new ff and here it is! i i'll update this ff weekly due to still writing my galaxy but after that finishes i'll do more frequent updates.
hope you enjoyed!!


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