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"are you nervous by any chance?" hoseok asked as he patted jimin's on the back.

"i'm sort of i mean it's kim taehyung and i'm going to the theme park with him."
hoseok smirked slightly as he pulled out his phone from his pocket.
"make sure to text me if anything does happen."

jimin nodded and quickly checked his outfit in the elevator mirror before the doors opened and they both had to exit.

as they stepped out fo the building, the blazing heat was upon them melting any sort of sun protection. luckily jimin didn't apply any glitter if not he would've been sparkling and he didn't want to look like edward from twilight; that wouldn't have been a good look.

hoseok sighed heavily as he ruffled his head backwards,
"i'm going to die with all of this heat, good luck to you!"

Jimin took the car keys out of the small shoulder bag and opened the car.

" get inside, i'll turn the air-conditioning on until we get to yours,"

he didn't waste any time and ran to the car doors, slipping himself inside onto the warm leather passenger seat.

jimin followed by closely, placing the keys in the car and swiftly buttoning on the air-conditioning. he was partly jump scared when hoseok turned the volume of the radio on to hear the sound of the velvety husky voice; which could only be yoongi wrapping. it was one of his older songs but coincidentally jimin's favourite.

"oh my gosh it's yoongi and it's also your favourite bop."

with a small grin on his face, jimin turned the music louder and all the way to hoseok's  apartment today had a very bootleg version of carpool karaoke.

as jimin pulled up in front of hoseok's apartment, they were both out of breath as of they had completed some hard-core cardio training though jimin was sure that his heart was pumping from nerves too.

"Bye jimin have fun!"
hoseok waved as he stood in front of the automatic apartment doors. jimin nicely smiled back and inputted the address taehyung sent to him earlier.

surprisingly he didn't live that far considering he was quite famous.

on the drive there, jimin saw he block of apartments diminish and more modern houses replace the busy city scenery. it was a very serene and tranquil environment to live in he thought as he could hear all the birds chirping cheerfully as he rolled the window down.

the cold breeze that hit his skin, cooled down his nerves and suddenly they were non existent. he was just happy to spend the day with kim taehyung.

"you have arrived at your destination," jimin's phone spoke in that weird satnav voice.
with that, he took his phone and climbed out of the car to knock on the door.

his feet slowly sank into the gravel, making crunching noises as he stepped delicately everytime. due to this he almost sprinted because he couldn't stand it.

finally getting to the porch, he brushed down his oversized shirt to make sure he looked presentable and knocked on the door.

he waited a few minutes hearing muffling noises from the inside until he saw the locks slowly twisting. to his surprise, in front of him was min yoongi who looked like he had just woken up.

his blonde hair was tousled in all directions, mostly exposing his never seen forehead. though this brought his eyes more attention.
his deep chocolates irises contained flecks of gold from the reflecting blanket of sunlight cast upon his face. it wasn't long before he was squinting to let in less light into his eyes.

"oh park jimin we meet again, taehyung is just coming please come in for the meantime ," yoongi softly spoke as he opened the door wider for jimin to come in.

entering, jimin was greeted by soft sweet smells of candles lingering in the atmosphere; it was a pleasant smell.

as jimin was guided by yoongi to the sofa, he could've help by looking at all of the decorations adorning the walls.
polaroids, photo frames and even some fan letters- yoongi seemed very sentimental about these types of things.

before yoongi was about to ask jimin for something, taehyung came rushing down the stairs in a hawaiian print shirt tucked into a pair of light wash shorts with a black belt to tie it all together.

as soon as he arrived on the bottom floor, he went up to jimin and nicely hugged him.

"ah i'm so sorry to keep you waiting, should we go?" taehyung said as he broke the hug.

jimin could hear yoongi mutter under his breath
"you sure should be, you woke me up from my sleep"

he wanted to let out a chuckle but he managed to keep it in as he answered to taehyung,
"yeah sure, bye yoongi," jimin said as they both exited the house, ready to embark on their adventures at the theme park.

a/n oOf but sleepy bby yoongi i can't 🤧

my flower~ yoonmin| #wattys2018 Where stories live. Discover now