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Uh oh, how much deeper can it get?The addicting scents get mixed togetherSo we can burn it up even moreThere's no tomorrow

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Uh oh, how much deeper can it get?
The addicting scents get mixed together
So we can burn it up even more
There's no tomorrow

-latata (g) i-dle

"hello jimin sorry to keep you waiting but after some technical difficulties we can film again, basically yoongi is going to come up to pay for his items but then fake knocks you out and steals the money from the register. that good?" jimin nodded vigorously.

wow his dream of yoongi punching him in the face was about to become true.

tae tapped jimin lightly on the shoulder,
"uhh do you want me to touch up on your make-up?" tae grinned as he pointed to the chair in front of him.
" sure and your name is?" jimin asked as he sat down in the chair.
" ah i'm taehyung but must people call me tae . you must be jimin i'm assuming."

he nodded his head making his fringe go into his face. just in time tae pulled out some clips and put his fringe back.

"aww cute what glittery eyeshadow do you use?" tae smiled as he pulled out some bb cream from his small bag of things.

" i think it was from etude house from their spring blossom collection but then i have so much i can't remember," jimin replied as tae was using a small brush to apply the bb cream.

"can i use one of my glitters on top?" tae asked as he pulled out a small compact with a light rose glittery eyeshadow to it.

jimin nodded as he closed his eyes. as tae took a brush and started applying it to his eyes,

"so what do you think about yoongi? do you like his music?" enquired tae, moving the brush on jimin's eyelid forwards and backwards.

jimin thought for a moment. he didn't want to be caught that he secretly loved agust d but at the same time he wanted to show some interest so it didn't seem like he was clueless.

"i've heard a couple of his songs and well he is quite talented," jimin replied now opening his eyes since tae was finished.

he was handed a mirror as tae unclipped his hair taking some mousse to make it stay in place.

"interesting well park jimin go and act your life out," tae winked as jimin stood up walking to the till. there was wonho with the camera crew, yoongi in the corner scrolling through his phone,

"ah jimin! well basically what you have to do is stand behind the counter and yoongi is going to come pay for his things but then punches you. you have to fall to the ground while yoongi walks over you and goes to the cash and leaves. good?" wonho explained. jimin nodded in agreement as he got ready.

"and action,"

jimin was pretending to write stuff in his notebook when actually it was his diary about lots of things like how his days went and how work was; but today it was about min yoongi breathing the same air as him. he placed his pen on the notebook then folded the pages over as he felt yoongi's eyes looking upon him.

yoongi's hands placed all the bags of crisps on the counter while his bracelets were hitting the surface creating little chiming noises. jimin's eyes were so attracted to small details. the way his fingers tensed as he was gripping something, making his veins slightly more visible.

swiftly yoongi looked up at jimin with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. jimin nodded back pretending to be a nice and kind shopkeeper, even though he was one already. he was waiting any moment now for yoongi's fist to come in contact with his face. as he took one of the bags and scanned it with the hand scanner, he slightly turned his head away and then yoongi's knuckles lightly brushed his cheek. it felt like a warm caress but more rougher and not how jimin wanted it to be.

sliding of the chair he fell to the floor pretending to unconscious.

"cut!" wonho shouted as yoongi was about to walk towards jimin.
And with that yoongi's feet slid on the floor, being jump scared. he staggered, his palms hitting the floor to keep him upright, leaning over the top of jimin. his face just centimeters away from the younger . his warm breath heated jimin's face making it redder than it already was. intensely gazing into each others eyes felt like it could last a life time but jimin wasn't sure that's how yoongi felt.

however yoongi could only keep his eyes in jimin's lips. even though he didn't want it to seem too obvious, it was the only thing he could see. what else caught his eyes were the sparkles surrounding his eyes as if his eyes were sparking by themselves. realising he got too caught up he stood back up.

"oh jimin i'm so sorry here," he gave out his hand in front of jimin and he gripped onto it to pick up. both of them wouldn't admit it but they really enjoyed being with each other. especially in times like those.

"thank you yoongi," jimin smiled as he brushed his trousers.

a/n ooh spicyyyy


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