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'the sky is beautiful because it resembles you'-lucky one by exo

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'the sky is beautiful because it resembles you'
-lucky one by exo

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wonho walked outside to talk to the mysterious person shooting here.
"we have a case of a glitter boy in the store. probably gay if you ask me but he's cute i'll tell you that."

the man pulled down his mask to speak and re-arranged his cap on his head tucking his blonde bed-head hair inside of it.
with a deep silky voice he almost growled,
"thank you for telling me but that isn't my interest. i've already told you i'm trying to get rina from that girl group which debuted last year."

"oh my yoongi. he is cuter than rina with an added bonus that he is also hotter than her. he would look good in anything you put him in also he has thighs for days," wonho retorted. he wanted the man-also known by his name yoongi- to understand that rina was merely experienced in the world and she would be too naive and innocent for him even though he loved corrupting minds. today was one of yoongi's cold days meaning he was just here to get business done. it was rare to see him smiling on days like these. or so that is what people thought.

yoongi walked inside of his trailer to get his make up done by one of the best, kim taehyung. they were childhood friends from daegu and taehyung always wanted to go and help yoongi no matter what.

walking in with a slouched posture, he threw himself in the chair pulling out his phone from his jumper pocket. it was a new model, one gifted from his fansite with an engraving of 'we love you!' on it. yoongi thought it was cute but he still had to keep up that cold persona he had as a rapper, due to all the hate surrounding him from leaving an idol group he got put into by his company. they were nice boys but not the type of music he wanted to make.

"what's up with you today yoongs?" not feeling well?" taehyung asked as he took yoongi's snapback off and started sectioning his hair out with clips.

yoongi let out a low mumble, "i'm honestly so tired and wonho tries to set me up with everyone because he doesn't think me and rina can get together. he also doesn't understand i'm not attracted to boys. honestly." he was going on a long rant and taehyung was always there to listen. yoongi confided in taehyung and was comfortable telling him anything. apart from these next few days which were about to happen.

taehyung was was squirting some setting spray on yoongi's face.

"wow you don't looked tired anymore! see what this magical makeup does?" exclaimed taehyung waving around the bottle, being really excited.

"hmm i guess. i mean i look more decent if you ask me," yoongi mumbled at a nearly inaudible pitch. he seemed really enthusiastic for today. his blonde hair was now in a deep parting with the tiniest tinge of a smoky eye. he stood up out of the chair and opened the door of the trailer.
"thank you tae," he exited and walked up to all the camera men outside.

"so wonho what do i have to do?" he stared at wonho with a high intensity which could also be misleading as looking lustful. probably what the fangirls loved about him.

"well you have to rob this convenience store. the first scene is you just walking in like a normal customer but gripping tightly to the guns on your belt." wonho explained by going through to story board which had been sketched out by the producer a few weeks in advance. they had trouble finding what store to do this in since most declined due to wanting customers; the music video was postponed quite a bit and the fans were very impatient.

yoongi rubbed the back of his neck,
"okay i can do this."

a/n i had to re-write all of this chapter because when i wrote it on the aeroplane it didn't save so all of my work was lost. hopefully this is to the standard my other chapters are and i hope you enjoyed.


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