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"ah taehyung i feel very dizzy!" jimin nearly fell but tar placed his arm on jimin's waist to keep him upright.

"teacups is a no then!" taehyung laughed, turning his face towards jimin while a boxy grin was plastered onto his face.

regaining his stability, jimin looked up to see a deep violet spanning the sky with clusters of stars sparkling.

"do you want to get dinner here then?" jimin asked, managing to walk along the pathways near the rides.

taehyung nodded.

they were now in the cafe on the theme park ground
it was a cute but romantic place. which made sense because they did pretend to be lovers to get free candy foods; which wasn't a bad choice at all.

while following the waiter to their table, who was dressed in a tight-fitting white shirt and dress pants, taehyung and jimin linked pinkies as there were walking one behind the other.

with a grin, the waiter placed the menus on the table and went off. this gave taehyung time to pull out jimin's chair for him to sit in, like the gentleman he was.

in their gaze, pink and yellow roses were in a glass vase in the middle of the table. the petals were flushed with colour and the water they were placed in looked somewhat glittery. under the mesmerising flower arrangement, was pink lace draping around the table.

"cute," taehyung mouthed as he looked up to spot a chandelier hanging over them.

"yeah i really like this place, i never knew theme parks were this fancy with all this cute decor," jimin stated as he stared in awe at all of the pink and red love related decor on the walls.

taehyung coughed and put his menu down,
"so have you decided what to order jimin?"

jimin quickly looked at the menu and pointed to something,
"well we need some wine obviously, as for food we can share a platter of pasta or something. i'm not that picky."

taehyung nodded and called over the waiter.
in a matter of minutes the waiter came back to fulfil the order taehyung gave with a bottle of rosé wine and some quick starters to set the mood.


yoongi has spent the past few hours live streaming to his fans while working on some songs for some other artists.
during this livestream many of his fans were all hyped because today the teaser was released, we'll like 5 seconds of yoongi walking but either way everyone was excited.

they also kept asking him about the 'mysterious' guy with taehyung at the theme park but yoongi felt really uncomfortable talking about that for some reason. he just didn't want anyone to possibly see him get worked up over jimin. after all yoongi, even though playing quite a cold person while with jimin, enjoyed his company.

yoongi looked to his clock beside his laptop and equipment realising it was 11pm.

"well guys it's quite late, i'm sorry if i kept you guys up, especially if you have school or a job tomorrow. please stay healthy and take care of yourself and i hope you enjoy my new music. this is agust d out!" yoongi gummy smiled into the camera before turning the live stream off.
he stretched out his legs from under the desk and stood up, closing all of his equipment.

he then went upstairs closing the light into his room.

he texted taehyung

umm hi i don't want to disturb but i want to make sure you guys are fine

he looked down at his message and then placed his phone onto his bedside table. confusion. confusion was running through his head. a weird sensation was in his body, he felt almost overprotective of taehyung as if something was going to happen to him. though yoongi didn't dwell on it for long, it was definitely at the back of his mind nagging him.

he climbed under the soft covers which felt like warm hugs and clouds surrounding him; he closed his eyes and fell asleep.


jimin and tae

"that was a great night taehyung thank you!" jimin giggled as they both held hands walking to the car,

"umm jimin i think you're a tiny bit drunk is it okay if i drive?" taehyung asked going to the driver's side of the car.

jimin nodded, holding on to the car as he went to the others side to the passengers seat.

as they both put their seatbelts on, jimin's hand rested on taehyung's thigh.

with a revving of the engine, taehyung was driving back to their place, jimin was too drunk to go back home by himself so he thought he could just spend the night at his and yoongi's place.

"taehyung," jimin spoke softly, there were tinges of seduction in his voice but jimin passed them off since he was quite drunk,

"mhm," taehyung glanced at jimin who was looking at him with his deep smooth chocolate eyes.

"ummm can i sleep with you tonight? i just don't want to be lonely," jimin asked as his hand was slowly rising up taehyung's thigh.

"sure sure jimin not a problem," taehyung smiled to him. they drove home not knowing the stuff awaiting at home.

a/n sorry for the long wait but i made this update longer so i hope this makes up.
oooh what's going to happen next?? i guess you shall see.

also i'm on holiday so i have a lot of time now to write.


my flower~ yoonmin| #wattys2018 Where stories live. Discover now