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 " I wanna know, they say you smile all dayI wanna know, they say the world becomes beautifulI wanna know know know knowWhat is love? Will this kind of love come to me too?  "

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" I wanna know, they say you smile all day
I wanna know, they say the world becomes beautiful
I wanna know know know know
What is love? Will this kind of love come to me too?  "

-what is love? - twice

(hi i love my queens coming back with a bop and jeongyeon oh my take me pls; all you non-intellectuals enjoy the mv in the media )

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yoongi stood infront of the monitor next to wonho. he was quite impressed with the footage. it was sure to make all the fangirls die.

"yoongi you did a good job i must say but did you flirt with jimin or something because he looks a bit startled in the shots." wonho looked at yoongi trying to gain his attention.

"how many times have i told you i'm not interested in boys? and no i didn't flirt with him." yoongi retorted back; wonho let out a small chuckle as he patted yoongi's shoulder.

"sure sure you keep on telling yourself that." he smirked, "he is going to be in our music video if you don't mind. well it really isn't your choice so bye!" he smirked to yoongi.

"wonho you fucking dick!"
jimin saw wonho walking up to him. why for?

"hi jimin! how are you?" wonho exclaimed as he did a fist bump which jimin sort of hesitated to do. he ended up high fiving his fist instead.

"ah hello hoseok. i'm fine yep. what brings you here?" he stared intently into wonho's eyes wondering why he

"well i know how much you like yoongi and i was wondering if you wanted to be in the music video. you could flirt with eachother between takes yknoe." he winked to jimin while insinuating things to him.

"ummm hoseok i think you're taking this the wrong way. me and yoongi have nothing. we just met like a few minutes ago." jimin replied back to wonho as he was fiddling with the glitter pot in his hands.

"you sure jimin?" he placed the piece of paper in the desk along with a fancy fountain pen. jimin took the piece of paper in his hand and lightly skimmed through the body of text. his facial expressions appeared more lighter as if he was warming up to the idea.

"umm actually it wouldn't be a bad idea. i guess i'd have nothing to do today anyways." jimin replied to wonho as he picked up the pen to sign the places which were circled by wonho earlier.

the pen was quite fancy. the only way jimin could describe it. intricate engraving around the metal lid of the pen and the nib of the pen carved with soft loops and delicate shapes. jimin not being used to these kind of pens accidentally got the ink on his hand while signing.

"oops," jimin put the pen on the paper and grabbed some towels from under the till as he was lifting his hand up in the air making it spread even more.

"shit umm okay," he took the towels and wrapped it around his hand dabbing it constantly.

"oh well done jimin, have some hand sanitizer." wonho took the paper and pen and placed a small bottle of flowery scented hand sanitizer on top of the till.

jimin bowed his head as he put some in his hand insisting on the ink bled area.

he kept on rubbing until only faint blue stains were left on his hand.

"see hand sanitizer helps with everything," wonho chuckled as he took the bottle back and slid it into his pocket.

jimin smiled at him again to thank him.

"oh and i'll call you over to the monitor when you have to do something or when you're in the shot okay?" wonho put his thumbs up to jimin as he walked back to yoongi and the filming crew. it was just mostly men dressed in black with logos on their polo shirts and earpieces. they looked like tough bouncers at a club so jimin didn't really want to do anything bad to upset them.

he took his phone out and texted hoseok to tell him the news.

jiminie<3: hoseok agust d is here!!!! omgggggg

hoehoe-seok: you're playing with me i don't believe u

jiminie<3: im not shitting u.  come on u trust me right?

hoehoe-seok: pictures or it didn't happen -_-

jiminie<3: hmmm well imma also be in the mv so maybe i can sneak some mugs later?

hoehoe-seok: u do that namjoon is just talking sooo much about jin and wanting to make some sort of love song it isn't how i want to spend my time.

jiminie<3: awww that's sad well byeee i have to go now ily

hoehoe-seok: okay ily2 enjoy if it's true

with that jimin slipped his phone into his pocket and scrolled through twitter. he followed quite a few fan accounts of agust d and fansites but then again he had to be casual so he just tried to keep calm from some old but still really smexy fansite photos.

a/n this chapter has been deleted 2 times and i've had to re-write it so many times but here it is. i thought i should publish it before anything happens to it. are you enjoying the story so far? if so pls vote and comment. i love reading comments and what u guys think lol. anyways enough from me.


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