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bright rays of the sun filtered through the tiny cracks where the blinds weren't pulled down enough. jimin rubbed his eyes since the light was sprawled out onto the bedding and onto his pillow. he was expecting to see yoongi sleeping but he wasn't. the other half of the bed was bare,empty, no one there. so jimin decided to investigate.
he went into his bathroom to find his bag but it wasn't there. he thought hard until he walked back into yoongi's room finding it on the chair at his desk; he guessed yoongi must've brung it back for him when he woke up. how thoughtful of him.

he then walked out the hallway and actually went into taehyung's room to find him sleeping peacefully in his bed. jimin didn't want to be in bad terms with tae, he wanted to explain what happened last night but at the same time he didn't want to really invade his privacy and wake tae up.
he went downstairs gripping into his bag in one hand and the phone he had taken out of it in the other.

the house was unusually quiet for 9 clock and was surprised yoongi was the first one up.
jimin peeked from the edge of the living room wall to see yoongi preparing some food. how was jimin supposed to act now yoongi was acting somewhat boyfriend like.

yoongi really hoped jimin didn't take this as some sort of soulmate call. like those cliche movies where the other half would wake up early and cook breakfast for the other. he thought jimin was a nice guy and all but i mean he obviously had intentions with other people. who weren't guys. he was no where near the chaotic gay taehyung was. sure tae could have jimin. that wouldn't really hurt him that much. but deep down yoongi knew that it would. so he decided to act upon those surprised feelings of his. his feelings of dismay and confusion.

"umm hi yoongi," jimin stuttered as he walked into the kitchen doing a small wave with the phone in his hand.

"mhm hi park," yoongi replied, seeming very concentrated on what he was doing.

why was he up with the cold persona again? jimin thought. he just didn't understand what had happened with the bubbly yoongi from yesterday. the yoongi where he could talk with and laugh with until sleep overtook the both of them.

" how comes you're up so early?" jimin asked wanting to at least what had happened.

"busy day park, and i have to deal with you in it too. wonho talked with your job and they said they'd let you off for the day along with what ever education things you have. also we have to go to the shoot at 11am so i guess that's why i'm making food so we aren't dying. i don't really like food stands the company provide. not my favourite. go wake up taehyung will you? he needs to come too,"

jimin was held back by the immense paragraph yoongi had spitted out in mere seconds. it wasn't a surprise he was a well known rapper.
a still shook jimin nodded his head and went upstairs on a task to wake up taehyung.

as he arrived at his door, he slowly pushed it and creeped in placing his phone and bag on the floor. his eyes weren't as adjusted to the light as he hoped them too be but he could make out the shadow of the bed so he creeped up casually to the bed frame to see taehyung.

how was he going to wake him up? a nudge or poke seemed too aggressive and a kiss of the forehead was deemed too romantic for jimin's intent. he settled on a caressing of the cheek instead; his fingers gliding smoothly on taehyung's perfect skin.
jimin then stepped back and waited for taehyung to move or something.
maybe he was having a nice dream and couldn't get up but luckily taehyung's eyes twitched and a loud yawn came out of his mouth along with powerless arms lifting up the sheets to rub his eyes.

"yoongi why r you... being so sensual. you should be doing that to jimin or something definitely not me."

a/n oH


my flower~ yoonmin| #wattys2018 Where stories live. Discover now