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jimin was shocked from the words that had just escaped tired taehyung's mouth. did yoongi like him? or was it just a joke. a tumultuous wave of emotions came upon him but he tried to act cool and play it off.

"umm no taehyung it's me jimin. yoongi said to come wake you up and i didn't know what to do. i'm not sure if i was meant to hear that."
taehyung then shot out of bed and pulled jimin's arm, making him fall into the haven of duvets and pillows.

"shit jimin umm don't worry that's fine. also where were you last night, i realised you didn't come back here to me so we could sleep. what stopped you?"

jimin coughed and tried to settle in a more comfortable position rather than headfirst in a bunch of pillows.

" well i sort of gave up on taking my eyeshadow off and well being tipsy and all i thought the poster of yoongi was a door so i accidentally went into his room and stuff happened and i ended up sort of sleeping in his bed. umm yeah,"

taehyung wiggled his strong eyebrows as a smirk appeared onto his face,
"oh mhm right well don't worry i'm not offended at all, i hope you enjoyed sleeping with yoongi but i'm guessing i have to get up now since yoongi is cooking right?"

jimin nodded his head getting up from the bed,
"isn't he rich enough to hire a cook or something. i mean if i was him that's what i'd do." jimin enquired picking his stuff up from the floor.

"i mean he cares about home cooked food. he says that you work to get what you deserve, well his mum always said that so i guess it stuck with him but when he is just so tired out he'd either ask a cook to make something or order takeout," taehyung replied as he rubbed his eyes.
jimin nodded and lifted himself up from the bed.
"well jimin i'll be down in a bit, tell yoongi not to get pissed at me," he grinned as he was sorting out his tousled hair from the pillows. his full-bodied smile really made jimin's heart flutter. taehyung was such a nice person.

omg guys i'm back i guess !!
this was in my drafts lol so why not publish it
i have the whole story planned out from ages ago but idk if i have motivation to finish it ??

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