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"When you say that you love meI just need those wordsThat you'll never change, just one more time"-best of me -bts

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"When you say that you love me
I just need those words
That you'll never change, just one more time"
-best of me -bts

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what jimin had to do was to read his newspaper and when yoongi comes to nod to him politely and continue reading.

jimin found this really hard because he just wanted to smile and look at yoongi but unfortunately it wasn't a good purpose for the video. using his peripheral vision, when he spotted yoongi he pulled the crinkly newspaper down and lightly nodded; managing not to break out of his role. yoongi just looked so damn good it felt like he was about to explode.

yoongi on the other hand couldn't stop starting at jimin. but it was only because of his lips. he had no desire for jimin apart for those lips. plump lips which looked velvety like petals of a pink rose. they also looked somewhat refreshing due to the glittery gloss he applied earlier.

his type was very feminine girls. cute and easy to manipulate. they were just too nice though and that's why yoongi couldn't keep a stable relationship. also none of them wanted to be in the limelight and receiving hate from people so that's why he was lonely. if only those lips were on a girl yoongi thought. too bad.

as soon as yoongi saw jimin, he looked at his lips then deviated his eyes to those sparkly eyes  of park jimin. after he turned away and kept on walking to the aisles for the shot.

wonho shouted stop and asked jimin and yoongi to come view the footage with him.

both of them stood on either side of wonho.
"well i must say there is quite a lot of tension here but i think it's good so we don't need to re shoot this. how about we take a break after a few more scenes so we can have lunch?" wonho asked.

jimin nodded but yoongi was staring into space giving quick sneaky glances to jimin's lips. wonho nudged yoongi in the shoulder and yoongi quickly nodded saying it was a good idea.

jimin went back to the till as yoongi was doing his solo shots. yoongi had to browse the aisles while doing some stuff which his gun. jimin really liked the concept of this music video, not because he worked in a convenience store but because it was very creative.

he spent the next half an hour scrolling through every social media possible, refreshing the page so much nothing new showed up. he decided he had enough and went to the sweets aisle to get some pocky. he picked out his favourite pocky and went back. he decided to post on instagram.  

♥ kxwaii_

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♥ kxwaii_.edxts, hoesclub101, minyoongisankles, and 24 others liked this 

parkminnie<3 : at work, anyone want to share?


@ hoesclub101: yo jimin wtf pls i need those pictures
@ hoesclub101: im desperate u lying or not?

@ hoesclub101: pls pls smh

@ kxwaii_.edxts: can i use in my edits? i'll give credits :))

@ minyoongisanklesareeverything: yes anyday ;)))

(a/n hoesclub101 is hoseok btw lmao)


jimin put his phone in the draw having enough of hoseok and started to eat his pocky again.

he fell into a deep trance again the view of the field of flowers appeared. nothing unusual happened, the outcast yellow flower was still closed up but jimin did notice something. one of the petals was slowly coming apart from the rest in the direction of a pink rose. to the untrained eye that would be looked like the same shade of dusky pink like the others, but jimin knew otherwise. that flower had more warm mauve undertones woven under the light scarlet. he knew this due to all of the pink eye shadows he had owned. no shade was the same.

a/n oOF 


my flower~ yoonmin| #wattys2018 Where stories live. Discover now