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I'm waiting for someone who can make me feelSomething like never before(That's who I'm waiting for)I'll wait, no matter how long it takesI just wanna fall in love

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I'm waiting for someone who can make me feel
Something like never before
(That's who I'm waiting for)
I'll wait, no matter how long it takes
I just wanna fall in love

-like ooh ahh

as he got there he sat down in the chair and was greeted by taehyung's beaming smile. he had a nice aura around him as if the sun was around him the whole day. just like hoseok only less thirsty. tae understood what jimin wanted to be done so he was getting the tweezers and adhesive remover out,

"umm so taehyung i guess we have some common interests so as friends obviously, also not to be really creepy, but can i have your number?" as jimin asked that taehyung stared to jump up and down, not realising all of his brushes from the apron pockets were flying everywhere.

"ooh yes sure jimin my pleasure! hand me your phone," tae said.

jimin realised he left his phone on the counter so he quickly went up to get it. with the phone in his hands he could see a literal sea of messages from hoseok. most of them went like this

hoehoeseok: yo boi

  hoehoeseok: shit

  hoehoeseok: fuck

hoehoeseok: im

hoehoeseok: still

hoehoeseok: thirsting

hoehoeseok: over

hoehoeseok: yoongi

hoehoeseok: fuck

hoehoeseok: istg

hoehoeseok: my dick is numb at this point

hoehoeseok: you

hoehoeseok: lucky

hoehoeseok: bitch

hoehoeseok: u better get a selca

hoehoeseok: OoMpH

jimin was laughing at these stream of texts as hey kept flowing in. hoseok then stopped typing and jimin thought it was safe so he handed his phone over to taehyung.

taehyung was inputting his number with a smile on his face until he started to smile.

" is your friend okay? he is very umm desperate," tae giggled as he gave jimin's phone back to him. jimin mentally cursed himself. what is taehyung thought he was a weird person?

"oh he is always like that don't you worry." jimin sat back down on the chair and after a few minutes his lips were back with the glittery gloss. it took probably another half an hour for all the  equipment to be put back. then out of nowhere yoongi came up to jimin again.

"park did you enjoy filming the music video?" yoongi asked as he walked round the counter and casually slid next to jimin.

feeling flustered, he covered is face pretending to rub his eyes,

"umm good your fangirls can't wait i'm guessing," jimin replied now scrolling through his phone, too scared to make eye contact.

"fangirls? what about my male fans, like you? also tae told me about your friend sort of dying over me that's hilarious. can i record something for him?"

jimin was dying on the inside every time yoongi talked to him. it was just something about him and the deepness embedded under all the layers he displayed that made him mysterious.

" oh yeah me too and sure no problem he'd appreciate it. jimin handed over his phone to yoongi keeping it on camera mode and muting all of his notifs just in case hoseok said something stupid again.

yoongi then angled the camera up and pressed record.

" hi hoseok, i heard you're an avid fan of my music. and i'd totally bust a nut for you as well! your tweets absolutely make my day so please keep on doing you!" he ended it with a little finger heart pose and pressed the stop record button. jimin was in the corner quietly giggling. hoseok was bound to die when he received that.

a/n oOf damn yoongi


my flower~ yoonmin| #wattys2018 Where stories live. Discover now