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after they had finished breakfast, hoseok suggested to have a gossip-y day round jimin's.

they spent most of the day lying on the floor, feeding eachother popcorn while talking. jimin grabbed the bowl of haribos from the table and picked out a heart to give to hoseok,

"now, what's been going on with you and namjoon i need the details," jimin asked as he passed the heart to hoseok.

"well i don't know if he wants us to be a thing but he sure as hell enjoyed yesterday and i mean he marked me up too much," hoseok explained through eating the sweet.

jimin nodded his head, "but didn't he like jin at one point?"

"eh things have gone rough. jin was ignoring joon and he feels bad because he didn't know what he had done to upset him."

jimin got up from the floor because he could feel his phone vibrate upon the coffee table.

he answered the call, a beaming voice answering in response,

"hiii jimin!!"

jimin felt an electric buzz go around his body as he mouthed to hoseok that it's yoongi's make up artist.

"ummmm hi how are you?"

"not too bad, listen it might be quick but i was wondering if you want to come to the theme park with me, i accidentally bought an extra ticket and yoongi is sleeping and i don't want to disturb him. would you care to join?"

jimin mouthed to hoseok while covering his phone, moving it away from him,
'he is asking me to go to the theme park because he booked an extra ticket and yoongi is sleeping. what should i do?'

hoseok nearly choked on his haribo so he sat up and patted his chest, nodding his head.

"oh yes sure, umm shall i come to yours or?"

"could you do me a favour and come here because my car has broken down and well yoongi's chauffeur isn't really supposed to drive me around."

"sure thing send me the address and i'll be there,"

"thank you so much jimin bye!'

and with that jimin ended the call.

hoseok looked at him with eyes so big to the point jimin thought he could see his reflection clearly inside of them.

"ummmm hoseok help me pick an outfit please,"

"bitch you bet i will, i want kim taehyung to tell yoongi everything about you. you have some chance with him trust me," hoseok paced down to jimin bedroom while exclaiming.

after around 5 minutes hoseok had three outfits laid out on jimin bed.

the first one was an oversized adidas shirt which reached around mid thigh with some star printed socks and a pair of shorts underneath just in case.

the next outfit was more 'glam' it consisted of a cropped shirt with a sequin jacket along with jeans and fishnets compared to the other outfits this was the darkest and considering the heat outside jimin wasn't a fan of this outfit.

the last outfit caught jimin's eye, it was simple but interesting. it was a pyjama shirt but styled with a pair of shorts and knee high fishnets.

"sooo what will you choose?" hoseok enquired.

even though he wanted to go with the pyjama styled shirt he didn't want to be too tempting so he went with the oversized adidas shirt.

picking it up of the bed hoseok smiled,
"i knew you were going to pick that one. well have fun i guess, can you drop me home first?"

jimin slightly nodded as he was pulling the shirt over his head trying not to mess up his hair. as he was changing, hoseok was blasting some song over jimin's speakers.

"what's this?" enquired jimin as he was now pulling up the socks. the frills softly brushed against his skin making him feel just giddy for him to start his day.

"the stuff me and joon are working on. do you like it?"

"yeah it sounds very catchy," jimin replied.

as soon as jimin was ready and hoseok gave the approval for his outfit, they exited the apartment; getting into the lift.

a/n oOf i know what to do with this plotline now.
i hope you enjoyed!!


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