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"so jimin i'm guessing you like listening to yoongi's music?" taehyung asked as he picked up one of the albums he spotted in the side shelf of the car door.

jimin lightly blushed as he took a quick glance at the album then shifting his eyes back into the road.

"he does have some good songs to be honest, though the album you're holding isn't my favourite. his first mixtape is the most solid for me. very raw yet enjoyable. and if you are going to ask my favourite song is tony montana featuring that christian chim guy."

smirking slightly, taehyung put the album back and nodded.

"ahhh right, honestly i agree with you but his next album may or may not surpass his fist mixtape."

jimin nodded, now very curious about what amazing tracks the album held. it it included some sultry rap jimin would most probably die straight away.
he could just imagine yoongi's smooth raspy voice continuously flowing with his rap while the instrumentals were to die for. it was safe to say jimin was silently dying because of thoughts about yoongi.

the rest of the car ride was just taehyung explaining how he ended up being friends with yoongi,which was scarily the same to what he read on the fan pages. some people must've done their research very thoroughly.

as soon as jimin took the car keys out and opened the door, the air conditioning stopped, only the stuffy humid air surrounding them.

they both walked up to the ticket booth, taehyung holding the tickets to the worker.
she took them and scan them,
"have a nice day, we have discounts for couples if you're interested," she slyly winked to both of them, giving the tickets back.

jimin was about to respond but tae claspled jimin's hand tightly, slipping his fingers  in between jimin's, becoming interlocked.
"thank you have a nice day!" taehyung and smiled as they walked away.

"what was that for?"  jimin whispered cautiously while taehyung, using his free hand, slipped the tickets into jimin's bag. then, jimin stopped both of them, in their tracks as he raised his furrowed eyebrows in confusion.

"well the candy floss here is really good and if we pretend we are a couple, then we can get candy floss for free and some other things also,"
jimin smiled heartily so his eyes turned into fine crescent moons.
"look like you've done your research,"

taehyung smiled back at him,
"i guess, i mean are used to work here when i wasn't hired by yoongi's company to do his make up so i know my places quite well."

this made sense to jimin, i mean if he always came here why ask jimin now; working here seemed the more plausible idea.

"oh cool do you want to get the free stuff first then?" enquired as he pointed to the map of the park.

"sure we can get the candy floss then a ride of your choice," he grinned.

they walked hand in hand, swinging their arms as they walked up to the candy floss kiosk.
a sweet sugary scent wafted in the atmosphere as jimin took a deep breath.
"hello, oh taehyung !"
a boy with hot pink hair and rounded doe eyes exclaimed. jimin thought he looked like a porcelain doll because he looked absolutely ethereal. though safe to say jimin wasn't interested in him in the slightest.

a/n oOf bois
also i haven't edited this lmao
next chapter coming very soon


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