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 " There hasn't been a day that I have forgotten youHonestly, I miss youBut now I'll erase you"

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" There hasn't been a day that I have forgotten you
Honestly, I miss you
But now I'll erase you"

-spring day -bts

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the camera men walked in with 3 cameras from different angles.
suspense was building up bit by bit inside of jimin. who was it?

"and action," he heard wonho shout.

a silhouette of darkness stood behind the frosted glass slowly pushing the door forward.
he strutted in looking down towards the floor. then he looked up and made eye contact with jimin.

'it can't be," jimin spoke heavily under his deep breaths trying to stay calm. it was min yoongi, agust d. the lord of the gays. or at least that's what him and hoseok called him. how jimin wished hoseok was here so they could cry over him together. but no, jimin had to remain strong, after all he was technically still at work and couldn't really have a mental breakdown.

he first focused on yoongi's alluring eyes; his eyelashes delicately fluttering like they were dancing with the air around it. jimin was happy yoongi wasn't wearing contacts because he could admire the warmth of his chestnut eyes along the the seductiveness layered underneath. his eye make up was blended out flawlessly, the warm undertones bringing out his pale skin surrounding it.

moving his eyes down along the masterpiece, he spotted his prominent philtrum atop the firm parted lips, heavily breathing out the carbon dioxide. how jimin wished to see yoongi wearing a shade of fiery crimson red. he would most probably die. or even some clear glitter gloss.

slightly turning his head to the side, his dangling silver earrings laid on top of a defined  jawline and was about to make jimin lose it.

a thin black shirt draped over yoongi's small frame, exposing his bare collarbones which were really deep and pronounced. three silver necklaces with various charms were draped around his neck, resting snug on his chest.

jimin followed the length of yoongi's arms until he realised yoongi was clutching onto two guns attached onto his flat chunky buckled belt. shifting his eyesight to his crotch - which was obviously an accident-  jimin then felt violated when he noticed how ripped yoongi's black skinny jeans were.

on his left thigh, lots of material from the gaping rip was draping down. all of these rips delicately carved out yoongi's muscles in his thighs and calves, each distinct muscle line made jimin internally die. as he took a few steps forward, he could see the muscles tense and relax making jimin realise he must work out a lot.

jimin's eyes zoomed out of the intricate features and looked at yoongi as a whole.
all of his beautiful features fit together like a puzzle to create a mesmerising picture. he nearly choked on the pool of saliva in his mouth which was there so he wasn't thirsting and drooling over the art that was yoongi.

yoongi steps sounded louder and heavier in jimin's ears. he was walking nearer and nearer to the till. jimin thought he was going to lean over it until with a swift sound, wonho shouted

"CUT!" it mades jimin's insides flip and turn to jelly.

small snickers were tingling up jimin's spine.

"glitter boy got scared," a rich-toned voice spoke.

jimin was in shock as he looked up into yoongi's eyes.

"not really, i just wasn't prepared," he replied to yoongi. he looked back down to his hands straight afterwards fiddling with the rings on his fingers.

"what's your name?" yoongi's eyes looked to jimin's chest where he spotted the corner of a fluorescent name tag. it was mostly covered by jimin's lowered head so yoongi took his hand over the counter and lifted up his chin. without any warning, an expanse of red plastered onto jimin's face. jimin still tried to keep his cool so he responded,
"i'm park jimin."

yoongi scoffed, "wow thank you i totally can't read. but hello jimin. i'm filming in the store you're working in today. if you don't know i'm a..."

jimin interrupted him, " agust d, i know. your music is actually somewhat decent."

a sour look appeared on yoongi's face, "just somewhat decent? whatever jimin you'll really enjoy this next release." he winked at jimin and walked back to wonho to check the footage.

jimin was still star struck by meeting yoongi. and that wink. oh that damned wink drove him crazy. jimin knew for well that he would never have a chance with yoongi. oh well it was good while it lasted.

a/n imma just publish this here just incase wattpad decides to delete this aswell. storytime, i wrote a 1,000 word chapter and wattpad didn't save it so it's lost forever T.T but please anticipate the next chapter since its really good and i have to rewrite everything.

- miruna

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