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yoongi was on the sofa wrapped in blankets upon blankets, nearly sinking in everything around him. he was just confused. confused and annoyed. why would taehyung even go with jimin to the theme park anyways and why was he even awake?

the more he tried to fall asleep by drinking herbal teas and watching boring tv shows, the more he would feel more awake and less lazier.

this meant that he had to do something, he couldn't be lazy if it didn't come to him. stretching his self out from under the sea of blankets and pillows, he shuffled upwards so everything a top of him was now under his torso.

grabbing his phone from the coffee table, he checked his fancafe letters which sure did put a smile on his face. it made him feel appreciated that people enjoy the music and stuff he puts out. with all the knetizen scandals after him leaving the group, it was hard for him to be the same with the public. he was always reserved and closed, rapping about all the hate he has gotten and how he will top the charts one day; but his fans know that he is quite a caring and nice person even though by a quick glance he looks quite menacing.

then after reading the letters, he decided to quickly scroll through twitter to get the latest gossip.

tae and jimin

"ah gguk hello! sorry i haven't visit you in ages my schedule is quite packed especially with the comeback."

The boy's, who jimin that gathered that his nickname was gguk, grin widened as he picked up the candy floss sticks.

"who is he? anyone lucky," he winks glancing at jimin who was standing by tae's side.

taehyung held up there interlocks hands
gguk looked at the hands and then let out a delayed smile.

"oh great! free candyfloss for the both of you then!"

taehyung grinned as gguk started to twist and turn the stick in the metal bowl.

"how have you been? anyone caught your eyes?"

the hot pink haired boy suddenly had an overcast of sadness upon him which jimin could see since his rounded eyes who did slightly and the corners of his green fell and faded,

"oh that part of my life isn't working out that well."

taehyung frowned and leaned over the counter to pat his shoulder as a sign of sympathy

"it's okay don't worry that's why I like working here. everyone is so cheerful and happy so it doesn't matter that much!"

taehyung and jimin smiled at him.

"we should meet up sometime again like the good old days,"

jungkook nodded as he passed the candy floss now shaped as a heart to taehyung.


yoongi stared at his screen confused about the twitter moment which appeared in his feed and which he was also tagged in by many of his fans.

'agust d's make up artist is spotted with a mysterious person'

"shit," yoongi muttered to himself. would this get jimin in a scandal? all these emotions ran through him like tumultuous waves so he decided go text wonho for some reassurance.

tae n jimin have been seen together ummm...

don't worry the teaser is coming out today or something
the fans will find out who he is
why u stressing?

ah right sorry

u didn't answer my question
r u hiding something? ;))))))

jeez no i'm just rl tired that's all

sure sure

and with all that yoongi put his phone down wanting to find something productive to do.

a/n yo i'm alive and there will now be frequent updates heheheheh
it wasn't much but i hope you enjoyed


my flower~ yoonmin| #wattys2018 Where stories live. Discover now