The Transition

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I'm super excited, I've always wanted to write a book about a ghost and a person who like fall in love and stuff. I'm just so happy. Please leave feedback!
Millie's POV

One minute my skin felt hot, like it was melting. Next minute I'm cold, freezing almost. Is this normal when you're being burned alive?

I look around and notice I'm not in my room under my bed anymore screaming my lungs out. I'm in front of my house. Did I survive? Is it a miracle? I was so shocked all I could do was look up at my charred house with wide eyes. Where are me and my family supposed to live now?

My family! I must find them and tell them that their little girl survived. I look around frantically. Everything looked a bit blurry because I was searching so fast with tears swelling in my eyes. "Mom!? Dad!?" I scream for them.

I spot them standing by an ambulance talking to a local fireman. I sprint towards them to listen in on their conversation. Mom looked very upset.
"We found nothing but bones underneath a pile of ash. We're sorry Mr and Mrs Brown, you're daughter Millie is gone." He informs with a sad tone.

I was shocked, I even gasped. It was like my heart had stopped in that moment. "No, I'm here." My voice cracked and tears slowly roll out of my eyes.

Mom and Dad burst into tears as my older brother Charlie, my older sister Paige, and my little sister Ava all huddled up sobbing. "No, he's lying! I'm right here!" I shout and wrap my arms around them.

I fall right through them and onto the ground. How though? I can see and hear them, why can't they see and hear me? I can't even touch them. Oh my god, did I die in that fire? Am I a ghost?

"Millie!" Someone shouts my name. I look up and see my five best friends running towards my crying family. I watch the scene play out as I stand to my feet. "Where's Millie?" My only female friend Sadie asks holding onto her boyfriend Caleb's hand. My other friends stand behind her with worried expressions.

"She's gone." Charlie's voice cracks as he speaks. Tears are now present in the gingers eyes. "They found her bones in what used to be her room." Paige adds followed by a sniffle.

Sadie wraps her arms around Caleb and sobs into his shoulder. All my friends were sad and tearful. Damn it, why did I have to stay behind? There was totally enough space under that fallen flaming beam for me to crawl underneath and escape through the window.

What am I even supposed to do now? Do I just walk the earth alone and invisible to all? There are so many things in life that I haven't done yet and I can never accomplish any of them like this.

I cry at the thought. I broke down right there in front of my family and friends. They'll never see me or hear from me ever again.

"Millie Bobby Brown?" A woman's voice asks. I look up at the lady in front of me wearing all black as she stares down at me. How can she see me? I'm dead. The pale women with long dark hair kneels in front of me with a smile.

I wipe away my tears and furrow my brows at her. "H-how can you see me? How do you know my name?" I question the lady. She stood up straight and extends her arm out. "I'm Winona, also your guardian angel." She introduced herself.

Guardian angel? I look behind her and notice she doesn't have wings and she's not wearing one of those white gowns that angels in books and movies wear. "Where are your wings?" I ask Winona sniffling.

She rolled her eyes with an annoyed expression. "Angels don't have wings. What you hear and see isn't always the truth, Millie." She explains kindly and retracts her hand when I refused to take it.

"You have a lot to learn, but that's why I was sent down here to you. Think of me as your teacher." Winona adds. I nodded and looked behind me at all of my miserable loved ones.

The only person who really wasn't crying was Finn Wolfhard. It made me sorta sad, I always liked Finn and wanted us to be more than friends. I guess you could say I've had a crush on him. I guess he never really liked me, at all.

I felt Winona place her hand on my shoulder causing me to whip my head around. "Cmon', Millie. Let's go home and talk." She suggest. I knit my brows together at the mention of a home.

"Home?" I ask confused. Winona takes both my hands into her own. "Close your eyes." She instructs me as she shut her own. I did as I was told. I could feel and hear the wind blowing around me. Then it stopped and I flutter my eyes open.

We weren't standing in front of my house anymore. We were now in a very dark space, pitch black. I panicked a little. I heard someone clap their hands twice and the lights on the ceiling flickered on. I observed my surroundings. The place was like a studio apartment.

There was a big bed in the center of the room with black sheets and pillows. The floors were black, the kitchen was black, everything was black. Why?

"Welcome to your new home!" Winona exclaims walking to a door. She opens it and pulls out a little black dress as she smiles. "I hope you like black." She holds out the dress for me to take. I'm still a little confused about everything.

Winona hums and puts the dress back in the closet. I just stare at the floor and take in the awkward silence. So many questions are going through my mind.

"Why is everything in your house black? I thought angels would have happy looking homes." I finally ask glancing back up at her. She flashed a smile at me. "It's what I requested and it makes me happy. Now that you're living here, maybe we can change a few things." Winona explains. My eyes widen. I'm going to be living with her? Like forever? I don't even know this woman.

She noticed how shocked I was and looked over at the black table and chairs by the kitchen. She held her arm out and they moved across the floor towards us. I jumped back a little. Did she just move the table and chairs without touching them?

Winona sat in a chair and gestured for me to sit across from her. I hesitated, but took a seat anyways. "I know you're probably wondering how I did all of that. I know you're probably confused about a lot of things and you have tons of unanswered questions, but that's why I took you under my wing."

I sigh and fidget with the hem of my jeans. She's right, I am confused. I don't understand any of this. "It's just... all happening so fast. I was under my bed screaming less than five minutes ago and now I'm here and I find out that you're like, what my new mom now?" I ask in disbelief.

She smiles with a soft nod as she leans back in her chair. "Yeah, pretty much. I mean if you want to call me mom I'd like that, but if you prefer something else then that's okay too." Winona informs me.

My eyes fill with tears as I remember my actual mom and my real family. They all looked devastated when that fireman told them about my death. "Look I'll tell you everything you need to know about being a spirit. I can even teach you how to travel to the real world and how to communicate with other people. I'll teach you anything you wanna know!" She gets more excited as she speaks.

I try to smile with tears threatening to spill out. I don't think I can handle all of this. "I understand it's not easy, moving on from your family and friends after you pass. I'm not saying you have to forget about them right away or that you can never see them."

I wipe my tears again. I guess I could give her a chance. I'll let her explain all of this ghost stuff to me.

How did ya like the new Fillie fanfic?

I feel like people who like my other book Opposites Attract would really love this book because it's just as sweet and fluffy as that. Also there's a bit of a sci-fi twist in here that I'm super excited to write about.

There will be flashbacks in this story so we'll get some alive Millie and Finn action soon.❤️

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