The Visit

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Millie's POV

It was dark outside now, which meant it was time for bed. "Good night, Noni." I said as I crawled under the covers in my bed. Noni was in the kitchen getting a glass of water. "Sweet dreams, honey." She whispers as she set her glass on the table and straighten out her black nightgown. I smile and rest my head on my mint green pillow while Noni shuffles towards her bed beside mine.

As she slipped into bed, she turns to the lamp on the nightstand between us and shut it off. The room was dark and quiet. I was facing the big window where all the stars sparkled in the sky. All I could think about was my family and my friends. I wish I could see my friends. I wonder how they're all getting by with me dead. Maybe before I fall asleep, I can pay a visit to some of them. I'd have to wait for Noni to fall asleep first and I've have to be quick and quiet.

About half an hour goes by and I hear light snoring from my guardian angel. I slowly and quietly sat up and stood out of bed. Noni keeps that fancy tablet in the reading nook at night so it can charge and because she sometimes reads things on it before bed. I tip toe past the woman's bed and to the couch. I sat in front of the coffee table where the tablet was plugged into the nearest outlet on the wall. I unplug everything and turn it on, the bright screen causing me to squint and cover my eyes.

I turn the brightness down and go to that cool app Noni taught me about yesterday. I hope I can find my friends. Which friend should I visit first? Maybe Sadie, I really miss her. I type her full name into the search bar and find her. The map zooms into my little hometown Hawkins, Indiana and a pin appears at Sadie's home address. I'm so scared to see her. What if I end up crying like I did yesterday when I saw my family? I push that thought aside and push the pin before closing my eyes. I felt a breeze around me for a a moment and then it stopped.

"Caleb, I miss her so much." I heard my best friend cry from beside me. I open my eyes slowly and look around. I was in Sadie's bedroom. I heard the older girl crying and whimpering as she lies on the bed. I was sitting on the bed as well. She had her phone up to her ear too. "And can you believe Finn? He was acting so crazy. Why would he say those things? That sick bastard." The red screamed into her phone as she sat up, now sitting beside me.

I furrow my brows and listen closely to her conversation with her boyfriend. "Yeah and he called us crazy because he thought Millie was alive? Gosh, if he says something stupid like that again tomorrow I'm gonna kick his ass." Finn thinks I'm alive still? But I saw him. I saw him at my house that night with everyone else. He didn't look like he cared though. Maybe he doesn't. Should I visit him? I mean I do like him. I can't believe I died before I got the chance to ask him out.

I look down at the tablet in my hands and tap the search bar. I type in Finn's name shyly and that pin pops up on the map where his home is. Before I click on the pin to go visit Finn, I glance up at Sadie and try to put my hand on her back. My hand ended up going through her, causing her to shiver and fold her arms. I quickly retracted my hand and look at the living girl apologetically. "No, sorry I'm just cold, Caleb. I'm okay." She says to the boy on the phone. I chuckle a little and lean in close to her other ear that wasn't occupied by her device. "I miss you too." I whisper. Sadie hadn't heard me, but I didn't care.

I look down at the screen in front of me and tap on Finn's pin then shut my eyes as the wind blew around me. When the wind came to a stop, I quickly open my eyes and look around. I was in Finn's bedroom. I've only been in here once when I was alive. It was his birthday and he was sick so instead of throwing a party at the park like we had all planned to do, we threw a party in his bedroom. I stayed later than everybody else to help clean up and give Finn a very special birthday hug.

"Millie, what do I do? Everyone thinks you're dead." I heard the boy speak. I saw him sitting at his little. The only light in the room was coming from the lamp on his desk. He slowly spun around his small office chair while he held his phone up to his ear. His back was facing towards me, but I could hear him sniffling. "I told everyone that you weren't dead, you're just at home. They told me that I'm in denial and that it's just grief. Now I have to write these stupid letters and see the guidance counselor every morning. Please come to school tomorrow so you can prove everyone wrong. Please, for me." He pleads.

I stood up from his bed and tip toe towards the raven haired boy. I place my tablet down the desk and put my hands on his shoulders. They went through them and I pull them back. "Jesus, it's cold here. My mom must be having problems with the thermostat again." The boy chuckles. I sigh sadly, I just wanna touch him with my hands going through him. I wish I could touch him and he could see me. "I guess it's getting pretty late. It past your bedtime and I don't want you to get in trouble with your parents. I'll see you at school tomorrow. Bye Millipede." Finn spoke before hanging up the phone.

I still don't know if Finn truly misses me as much as everyone else does. He seems fine, the only problem is he thinks I'm still alive. He was just on the phone with me, talking to nothing like I was on the other line. I do hope he gets better. I miss him very much.


Shout out to:
For guessing the second stage of grief correctly, which is anger.
Angry Finn is really aggressive so get ready for the next few chapters.❤️

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