The Crush

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Millie's POV

I begged Noni to take us home and she did. Finn had asked me about his dreams through the ouija board. I didn't know how to answer all his overwhelming questions. I've read a few of his letters before. I don't know what his dream means and I've never been to that windy place he keeps talking about, so I left. I thought playing with it would be fun, but it was too much. I think Finn is just angry and confused. He doesn't know why he keeps having that dream and it must frustrate him.

"Why'd we have to leave? We could have done more tricks and pranks to them." Winona asks while strutting towards the couch to charge her tablet. I groan and jump on my bed. "I wanted to help him, but I couldn't. I don't know anything about that windy place he keeps mentioning and it's all just so...perplexing!" I roar in anger before resting my head in my hands. I didn't know what to do.

Finn needs my help, but I can't give it to him if I don't know anything about being a spirit. The only thing I know how to do is see people in the real world and move things with my mind. I'm so bad at ghosting. "Millie hunny, I know you don't know what Finn is talking about, but you could find out. Have you been reading that book I gave you?" Noni asked. I rolled my eyes and pick up that spirit book she gave me. I hold it up for her to see. "I haven't found anything on the dark place in here yet. Is there anybody here in this world that we can asks about it?" I inquired.

Noni sighs and looks down at the floor in shame. She sat on her bed across from me. "I don't know. I don't really talk to people here. Well, I've talked to my neighbor David before and he seems pretty sweet." The woman says with a big grin. I slowly raise an eyebrow and look her up and down. I think somebody is head over heals for this David guy. "You like him." I cooed. Winona's jaw dropped while I giggle. "I don't like him like that!" She defends. I could hear the embarrassment in her voice as she chuckles it away.

"Noni loves David! Noni loves David!" I sang as I jumped over to her bed and poked at her. She tries to hide her smile by looking away. "I don't! David is just my friend!" She screams. I laugh. "Noni wants to kiss David and marry David!" I chant. The woman shyly nods. "Okay, you're right! I have a huge crush on my neighbor David!" She shouts proudly. We giggle and hug as she tells me about how much she likes this guy and when they first met. I guess David was here when Winona died and they met at the library. She's had a crush on him since.

"That's so cute. Why don't you guys hang out often or go on dates?" I ask. Noni shrugs with a sigh. "Well I'm just too shy and I have a kid now and well, she's more important to me then a man." The woman with dark hair explains. I frown. I want Noni to have a life of her own and be happy. She doesn't have to be by my side all the time. "Noni, you don't have to stick with me every single second of the day. If you wanna go and talk to David then you can go and you shouldn't be shy. I bet he likes you too." I told her.

Winona smiled and wrapped an arm around me. "Oh hunny, like I said, I don't need a man. All I need is my beautiful new daughter that needs me too." She assures me. I smile and wrap my arms around her small waist. Winona is a great person, I just wish she wouldn't distance herself from others. But I'll keep my mouth shut and let her make her own decisions. "Thanks mama." I said softly. My eyes shot open after those words left my mouth. I've never called her that, mama. Is she okay with that? Is it too weird?

She doesn't respond. It's quite for a moment and then she stands up. "I'm...I'm gonna go get ready for bed." She announces without looking at me. She rushes to the bathroom and I sat there on her bed cursing at myself. I'm such an idiot. Maybe it was too awkward. She's not even my real mom, the word just slipped. Why did I call her mama? Why doesn't she like it?



So let's get to the shoutouts and shit first and then I'll give you all some exciting news.

So last week, one of the questions I asked was "Was Millie messing around with the ouija board?" Here are the lucky 7 that guessed correctly, Millie wasn't pranking them:


(I finally figured out how to officially tag people) Next week I'll reveal what the third stage of grief is.

So there's this new book that's out by this amazing writer (strangerthannormal_ ) and the book is called Dolls In The Attic. I like the idea and the concept because it's something that I've never seen before and I'm so proud of my best friend for coming up with this cool new thing. So please go follow her, go vote, go comment, just show a whole bunch of love and support for me please.❤️

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