The Rose

990 36 29

3 years ago
Finn's POV

I sat in my room with the red rose in my hand. I hope Millie will like it when I give it to her tomorrow on Valentines Day. I really like Millie and I want us to become more than friends. She makes me very happy, happier than my mom and dad and my brother combined.

I can't wait to see Millie's reaction to my kind gesture. My mom says that girls love all that sweet romantic stuff like roses and chocolates and hand holds. I can be that guy for Millie.


I arrived at school and saw the girl of my dreams sitting on the bench outside of the building. I held the rose in my two sweaty hands and a big grin on my face. I hesitantly walk shyly towards the young brunette sitting alone. I hope I don't mess up. I hope I don't make a fool of myself. I hope she doesn't make fun of me or anything.

Before I knew it, I was standing right in front of her as she glanced up at me with a friendly smile. "Hi Finn." Millie greets in her beautiful English accent. There was not a single thing wrong with her. "H-hi Mills." I stuttered then swallowed nervously. I just held the rose out for her to take and flashed an awkward smile. "Umm... so this is for you. It's a rose and it reminds me of you because it's petals are soft and beautiful."

Millie's smile grew as bright as the sun and her eyes lit up as she gently took the rose from my hands. Her fingertips brushed against mine and my heart sped up. "Thank you Finn. You're just the sweetest boy I know." Millie softly stated. My cheeks grew hot from the compliment. I just stand there and watch her smell the rose. Could Millie be anymore perfect?

She slid one of her hands down the stem pretty quickly then let out a small and quiet whimper of pain. I let out a quick gasp and kneel in front of her then grab her hand. There was a very long cut on her palm, it went across her whole palm. There was a little bit of blood on the surface. I look up at her in panic. I must take her to the nurse's office.

"I need to take you to the school nurse." I stated as I stood up, still holding her wrist. Millie shook her head and quickly gazed down at her hand then back to me. "I'm fine Finn. It's not that deep of a cut and it barely hurts." She says with a calm smile. How can someone look so beautiful while they're wounded? I looked into her eyes with seriousness and determination. "Millie, you're hand is bleeding. At least let me take you to the nurse so she can take a look at it."
It was enough to convince her, Millie nods.


Millie and I were in the nurses office. She sat on the examination table as I stood beside her with a comforting hand on her shoulder. The nurse was applying antiseptic to Millie's cut. The young brunette hissed in pain and looked up at the Valentine decorations hanging from the ceiling while I rub my hand on her shoulder in support. I would whisper that everything will be okay. After the nurse had cleaned the wound, she wrapped gauze around Millie's hand and gave her smile.

"There you go miss Brown. Since you did so good, I'm gonna go get you and your little friend here a lollipop. Be right back." The nurse informs us with enthusiasm as she left the room. "Thanks nurse Flo." I reply before she shut the door. I glance back at Millie who was smiling at me. I felt my cheeks warm up at the image and decide to smile back. "What are you smiling at?" I ask.

Millie giggles softly and holds up her rose that was still her other hand. "You gave me this beautiful rose, I cut my hand, and then you take me to the nurse's office and comforted me through it all. You're a real man, Finn Wolfhard." She explained with the biggest smile in the world. I blush and nodded proudly. "Thank you Millie. I'm just doing my best to take care of you." I add.

Millie leans in close to me and plants a warm kiss on my cheek. I froze right there as the kiss lingered. "Happy Valentines Day." She says sweetly. I clear my throat and try to form words. "Y-yeah. You too!" My voice had cracked towards the end which startled the young British girl, but then she giggled a little. I giggled too.

The nurse returns with two pink heart shaped lollipops and a grin. She hands one to each of us. "Thanks nurse Flo." Millie and I say in unison. The lady nods and the bell rang. Millie hopped off the table as I grabbed our backpacks. I carried them out as we walked to class. Millie just carefully carried her rose in her hand, lightly feeling the petals occasionally. Seeing her enjoy her gift made me feel special.-



I know it's been awhile since I've written and published something and I can explain why in case you don't know.

I'm just a very busy person so I've had like no time to write or even think about writing. Every time I get the chance I have to do something else. So I apologize for not updating in the past 60 years.

I have been reading a little lately, mainly some of strangerthannormal_ 's books. I recommend that you read them too. (She didn't pay me to say this)

Also last chapter I asked you guys what the first stage of grief is and said whoever gets it right gets a shoutout!
The answer is denial and the people who got it right are:


Alright I'm gonna go take a nap because I earned it for updating.❤️

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