The Vision

418 21 7

Finn's POV

It's the first day back to school after winter break. My friends and I were waiting at the bus stop to get to school and we all talked about how we all had a great break. I had a fantastic break, I did a lot of things that I haven't done in a while like eat and shower and I'm back to playing guitar and keeping my parents up all night. Even though they're pretty annoyed by that last thing, they're glad to have me back to my old self again.

"So when are you guys gonna tell your parents?" Gaten asked the couple who were hugging to keep themselves warm. "Tomorrow, I promise." Sadie says with a small smile. Noah scoffed as he folds his arms over his chest. "That's what you said two days ago and you still haven't told them. What the hell are you waiting for?" The youngest says in annoyance. Caleb holds onto his girlfriend s little tighter. Oh no, an argument. "Hey don't talk to her like that." Caleb defends Sadie.

Noah cocked an eyebrow and stood up straight. "If you guys don't tell your parents that you're having a baby then-" "Fine, we'll tell them tonight!" Sadie screams. The little boy shook his head and in the distance I could hear the bus coming. I turn my head and saw it coming down the street before turning back towards the group. "Would you like to come over to make sure that we do tell them?" The red head asked passive aggressively. Noah nods in excitement.

The bus stops right in front of us and one by one we get on. Caleb and Sadie sat in the very front while Noah, Gaten and I sat sort of in the middle. Noah sat by himself beside Gaten and I who share a seat. "So the girl that I like, Lizzy Yu, she's in my algebra class and I'm thinking of asking her out today. Do you know what I should say to her when asking her out? Like do I just say 'will you be my girlfriend' or is it more like 'would you like to be my girlfriend'?" The boy rambles from beside me.

I was once going to ask Millie to be my girlfriend. I wrote a note that night she died in the fire. Then I asked her again that night we kissed. My first kiss was with a ghost. How am I supposed to explain that to my kids? Like I'll even have kids, she's gone and I can't have kids if Millie is dead. Wait what am I saying?

"I think you should just start out by telling her how you feel and explain to her why you like her. Then you take her by the hands, look into her eyes and ask so softly and quietly to the point where you can't even hear what you're saying just to make her listen...and then you ask 'oh Millie Bobby Brown, will you do the honors in becoming my wife?'"

"Uhh yeah that would be a nice way to propose to Millie, if she were still here, but I am trying to ask Lizzy to be my girlfriend. I might use your method though so thank you for your help, Finnlard." Gaten pats my shoulder then turns to talk to Noah. What did I say? Was I just talking about Millie? No I couldn't have, I'm totally over her. She's dead and what I saw after she died was not real. It was all in my imagination, a way for me to cope with her death.


I got off the bus and got to first period immediately. I hope that what happened this morning won't happen again at all today. I don't need to be thinking about that girl that broke my heart. The bell rung and I got all of my materials out once the teacher shut the door. I clear my mind and sit up straight, ready for what the day will bring. "Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful break." She said as she began to pass around a piece of paper to everyone in the class.

"We're just gonna do something very simple today since we're coming back from a very long winter break. I thought maybe you all could just write an essay on what you've done." My teacher hands me a blank sheet of notebook paper and I look down at it having so many thoughts and emotions running through my head. I haven't written something like this since she left me for good. I can't do this.

I sat my pencil down and look around the room to see everyone already writing. My heart started beating a little quickly and my palms felt just a little sweaty. I've never had such a problem with writing in my entire life. "Excuse me miss, may I please use the restroom?" I ask politely, my throat starting to feel dry. She raised an eyebrow at me before shrugging. "You may, but you should have gone before class." She says and I shot up out of my chair.

I quickly leave the classroom and just stood outside with my palms covering my eyes to maybe help me forget everything. Perhaps some cold water would actually help. I remove my hands and what I saw made me regret opening my eyes. The hallway was different. It was dark and windy, just like my dreams from months ago. I look around in a panic wondering where I am. I'm in school, but it doesn't look like school anymore.

Suddenly I heard whispers from down the halls. I couldn't make out what they were saying but it sounded very familiar. Panting, I whip my head around to see a black shadow crawling up the walls quickly. It was approaching me! I ran away from it while looking back at it to see if it was getting any closer, but as I was running I noticed the sleeves of my jacket were this deep red color like blood.

I ran into something and fell to the ground holding a hand over my head and wincing in pain. When I open my eyes and look around me again, everything was normal. I was so confused and scared, what does all of this mean?


Finn is like a 16 year old tumblr girl from 2017, he gets triggered over anything and everything.

So...anybody catch that reference up there?👻

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