The Wall

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Okay so this chapter switches POV's a lot so I'm going to transition by using the - because it's just easier.

Millie's POV

"'s been so long." I sniffle as I sat on the couch with Winona. She nods with a sigh as she put her hand on my shoulder. I held onto my knees that were tucked under my chin as tears slowly cascade down my face. "I want to forgive him, I do. I just miss him so much." I choke on a sob and bury my head in my knees.

The woman rubs small circles on my back while calmly shushing me. "Millie if you miss him then you should go see him. It's been eight months since you've seen him and I bet he's just dying to see you again because he loves you." Noni stated. I do want to go see him but I can't. He hurt me and even though it was such a long time ago, it still hurts. I don't know the full story, so I guess I shouldn't be too mad.

"Mama no, he likes Sadie." "And how do you know? Has he told you or given any signs that he likes this girl as more than a friend?" She asked me and I lift my head up to run my fingers through my hair. I've never even seen Finn show any interest in Sadie or seen Sadie show interest in Finn, which only makes me wonder why they did it. "I-I don't think he does, but why would he kiss her if he didn't like her?" I ask.

Winona rolls her eyes. "For Christ sakes Millie, Finn did not kiss Sadie. It wouldn't make sense how he asks you to be his girlfriend and then allegedly kisses some girl the next day. You need to hear his side of the story and forgive him no matter what because he loves you no matter what." She picks the tablet up from the coffee table and holds it out in front of me. "You miss him and you're only hurting him worse by not seeing him, now go make this right."

I swallowed and took the iPad from her. I typed in the coordinates and something weird happened. Finn's name was no longer in my history. Maybe it's because I haven't seen him in a while. I type it into the search, but there were no results found. I pinch my eyebrows together and look up at Noni. "That's weird. Why isn't his name in the system anymore?" She queries. I groan to myself and try typing in Finn's information again. No matter what I typed, he could not be found.

"Mama, what the hell is happening?" I ask in frustration. The woman with dark hair and pail skin took the tablet out of my hands and tried typing stuff in herself. Nothing is popping up. But then, this little banner popped up.

'We're sorry, the person you are trying to see is no longer living.'

"What? No, t-that's not true. Wait, does that mean Finn is here? Where is he!?" I grew crazier by the second. Finn is dead. How did he die? Is he here in this world? "Honey I don't know, but just stay here and watch the screen. I'm gonna go out and ask council if they've seen him." I was hyperventilating and crying, but I had managed to nod and then she left. I sat there on the couch crying my eyes out. Where is he? When did he die?


"Millie!" I shakily scream and my voice echos through the windy air. How did I get here? Why am I here? I slowly began to step forward, limping my way through this storm with tears running down my face and blood on my arms leaking from the massive cuts. "Millie!" I cry out. Is this heaven?


"Millie!" I heard faint shouting, stopping me from freaking out. I listen quietly again. "Millie!" Where is that? It sounds like him. "Finn?" I softly whimper before slowly getting up from the couch and looking all around. "Millie!" I heard it coming from the other side of the room. I rushed over there and stood by the big window with a bright blue sky and clouds floating by. "Finn?" I said louder than before, still looking around. "Millie!" I hear him now. It's coming from the window. I put my hands on the glass and look out, but see nothing. I know I'm not going crazy, I heard him.

"Finn!" I start screaming back to see if he could hear me. "Millie! Millie where are you!?" He cried out. "Finn! I'm here!" I yell as loud as my voice could go.


"Finn! I'm here!" I frantically look around. This is exactly like my dream, only I've forgotten what happens next. How do I get to her? "Finn!"


"Finn!" I began to pound on the glass as more tears leaked out of my eyes. He has to hear me.


"Finn! The wall! I'm here!" Her voice echoes. The wall? I start running forward, hoping I would run into something. All I could see was red smoke floating around over the edge of this rocky cliff like some sort of barrier. I listen closely over the whistling wind and hear little thuds. It's Millie! I run up the fog and place my hand in it, or on it. The wall!


I was banging as hard as I could on the glass, hoping to break it and see him. Suddenly I heard tapping from the other side. "Help! I'm here!" I heard his faint yet close voice. I start punching the glass hard and grunting with every thrust of my fist. "It's cold and dark! Help Millie, I need you!" He says. It's almost like his dream. In his dream he says he tries to save me and tries to find his way out of a dark place. Turns out I don't need to be saved, he does.

I look around for something I can break the glass with and spotted a chair from the dining area. I grabbed it and with all the adrenaline rushing through my body, I held it above my head and threw at the window.


See you this Friday.👻

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