The End

830 28 36

1 Month Later
Finn's POV

It's been one whole month since I've died. A lot of stuff has changed in the past month, starting on my death date. I got adopted and I now live with this man named David. He lives right next door to Millie and Noni, so I always hang out with them. Millie and I started going out that same day and we're both really happy. The whole spirit world has changed as well. Everything looks normal and like how it would if we were on Earth. I feel truly happy here, especially with my girlfriend.

"Finn you have lipgloss in the corner of your mouth." Millie giggles as we sat on a park bench. I lift my finger up to my lips to wipe it off and check my fingers. Sure enough there was pink glittery lipgloss and I smile a little. "That's very sweet of you to share your lipgloss with me, Millipede." "Well it is our one month anniversary, dol-Finn." She sung while poking my chest a couple times with her fingers. I chuckle and hold her face with both of my hands. She just looked so beautiful and cute.

I lean down to place a small kiss on her lips and she whines softly once I pulled away. "More." The girl demands. I bite back a smirk and shake my head. "Maybe when we get home later, I just wanna give you small sweet kisses for now. Plus there are kids over there." I say looking across the park to see a lady, that Millie had once introduced me to, finger painting with children from the orphanage. "I know, isn't it great? The kids never go outside, but ever since this place changed they come to the park once a day." She exclaims.

I love seeing Millie get so excited and interacting with the kids. She would be a great mother, too bad the only way for us to have children is to adopt and it takes a long time. I heard it took David half a year of classes and paperwork and Noni too. I guess I really shouldn't worry about starting a family.

"Do you wanna go home now? It's starting to get really hot." Millie asks. I nod and stand up to grab her hand. She stood up with me and we wave a goodbye to Cara and the kids before walking down the sidewalk swinging our hands back and forth. "I love you." She signed out. I grin and blush as I look up at the sky. "I love you too babe." Millie gasps and we stop walking. "That's the first time you've ever called me babe!" She screams in excitement before jumping on me to hug me.

I chuckle a little bit and just hold her close to me. "I've been dying to call you that for years and I just thought now would be a good time to start." I explained while snaking my arms around her waist and pulling her closer. She pulls her head back to look into my eyes with a big goofy grin. "I love you more baby." She says. I lean down to plant a kiss on her sweet glossy lips and she holds my head there to extend the kiss. The brunette backs up against the wall of a building as she tugs on my hair.

I pull away with a short chuckle. "I told you to wait until we get home." I remind her. She frowns, but then grabs my hand and runs down the street dragging me with her. I just laugh as we enter the neighborhood and run through her front door. As soon as the door shut behind me she attacked my lips and we stumble towards the living room to lay on the couch. The kiss deepens as I hover over her and then we hear someone clear their throat.

I immediately sat up in embarrassment and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand as I saw Noni and David in the kitchen across from us drinking coffee. My face went completely red. "Sorry guys, I thought you were gone." I apologize, instantly regretting my word choice. They were at David's this morning, when did they get here? Noni smirks with a single raised eyebrow while David awkwardly clears his throat. "Well, at least you've stopped now." He says almost thankfully.

"What do you two plan to do for your anniversary?" The woman asks before taking a sip of her coffee and winking at me. I'm not sure what Millie has planned, but I just wanted to spend the whole day with her and then maybe have dinner with our families. I know it sounds kind of boring, but it's what I want to do with my girl. "Well we already went to the park, so now I'm thinking of maybe watching a few movies with Finn and then we can eat dinner and Finn is spending the night." Millie had explained.

My eyes went wide at the spending the night part. I've never spent a night with Millie. Would David and Noni trust me to? "Sounds great. I guess I'll go pack up your stuff for you, Finn." David said before setting his mug down and leaving to go next door. Winona rests her elbows on the counter as she squeals at the sight of us.

"You know I'm so glad that you died Finn because Millie was never this happy when it was just us and she hardly ever got out of the house. I'm also glad Millie died because if it wasn't for her then I'd be awkwardly waving at David every time we see each other out in public." The dark haired woman confessed. Millie giggles and laces our fingers together on my leg before resting her chin on my shoulder. "Yeah, I'm kinda glad Finn died too." She sighs out.

I turn my head to stare into her big brown eyes. She was so breathtaking, it's hard to believe that she was dating someone like me. "Can we go watch our movies now?" She asked innocently biting her bottom lip. I give her a small smile and we stood up to go to her room. "We'll see you later Noni." I say. She grins before taking another sip of her coffee.

The minute Millie and I got to her bedroom, which had been added to the house because she wanted more privacy, she connected our lips for the thousandth time today and we sat on her bed, our hands still interlocked. I'm so happy right now. I've always wanted to have these moments with her and now I do. She's my girl and I love her. We'll be together for the rest of eternity.

The End


Ya know it breaks my heart to have to end this but I must. I WILL try to come up with another Fillie book as good as this one or maybe even better, but I don't think I would start writing until early or mid October because I'm just so busy.

Thank you guys so much for sticking around and reading and voting and for all your amazing comments, it all just really warms my heart and it makes me smile through this tough time I'm going through currently.

Let me know your full and honest opinion on this book whether it's positive or negative. Also let me know if you have any questions about this book and I'll do my best to answer or explain something to you.

Love you all and have a wonderful autumn!


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