The Birthday

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7 months ago
Millie's POV

"Happy birthday dol-Finn!" I scream as I entered the teenage boy's room with a gift in my hand. He sat up in his bed with a smile, his skin more pale than usual because he was sick. "Millipede, I'm so glad you could make it to my party." He said. I look around and see our friends all gathered around talking and laughing together. I hate that I was the last one to arrive.

I sat Finn's gift from me down on his desk and sat in the chair. I scoot the chair closer to him and rest my elbows on the bed with a grin. The sick boy laughs. "What?" He chuckles out. I giggle with him and shake my head. He sounds so cute with his nose all stuffy. "How could you get sick on your own birthday?" I ask. He sighs and rubs circles on his stomach. "By eating an expired donut my brother dared me to eat." He jokes.

"Hey I said one bite, not the whole thing." Nick, Finn's older brother, interjects sitting on the other side of Finn. The younger boy nudged him in the arm and they start play fighting weakly. I just sit and watch Finn. I've had this huge crush on him since I was nine. We've been best friends for almost twelve years now. I hope that someday Finn could be my boyfriend, someday soon. I'm so impatient.

Finn quits fighting with his brother and turns to look at me again. He starts rocking his head back and forth slowly with a smile, but my eyes follow his. I realize what he's doing and flush. I look away to hide my reddened cheeks so he wouldn't notice. "Sorry." He laughs and puts a hand on my shoulder. I try to calm myself before looking up at him again.

Suddenly, the lights went out. Everyone started singing happy birthday as Finn's mother came in and slowly walked towards the boy with a cake. I joined the singing, but only in the middle. "Happy birthday dear Finn! Happy birthday to you!" I sung. The cake was placed down in his lap. There was one candle that stood in the center of it. Finn leans over to whisper something in my ear.
"I don't wanna blow out the candle and make everyone sick. Could you do it for me?"

I snicker a little and nod. "Okay everyone, Mills is gonna blow out my candle for me because I'm sick." The raven haired boy announced. Everyone's eyes were on me, waiting for me to blow out the candle. I hover my face over the flame and make my lips form a small 'o' shape before blowing. The flame went out and everybody applauded me. Finn wraps his arm around me and whispers a thank you.


The party ended two hours ago and everyone had gone home. I stayed to help clean up the mess while Finn opened his presents. He already opened his gift from Sadie, which was a guitar pick, his gift from his brother, which was a pair of socks with rubber ducks on them, and his gift from Noah, which was a CocaCola mug. He continues to open his gifts while I pick up the shredded pieces of wrapping paper that were over the bed.

"Millie, can I open your gift now?" The sick boy asks before letting out a funny sneeze, his hair flips and shakes when he does that. He's been doing that all day and it makes me giggle. He says I sound cute when I giggle, which makes my stomach twirl. "Gosh, I don't know Finn. My gift seems boring compared to all the other gifts you've gotten." I sigh out.

Finn shakes his head as he reaches over to his nightstand and grabs a tissue from it's box. "I'm sure whatever you got me is a thousand times better and much more valuable than what everyone else got me." He spoke before blowing his nose and tossing his used tissue into the waste bin beside him. There were already so many crumbled up tissues in the trash and he's only been sick for two days. How much snot can this boy produce?

I decide to just let him open my stupid gift. I reach for the neatly wrapped present that sat on his desk and hand it to him. "Sorry about the Christmas wrapping paper." I apologize as he holds it with a smile. "It's really alright." He assures me. The sick boy tore the paper off and threw it to the side. He holds the dumb journal with leather backing in his hands. He grins as he flipped through the blank pages. "I thought maybe you could use it to write down your thoughts and emotions, then maybe turn them into a song." I explain.

Finn smiles at me, teeth and all. I don't get why though, it's a stupid gift. "I really appreciate this Mills, you have no idea. Thank you so much." He sniffles as he shuts the journal and sat it by his side. "Can I have a hug?" He asked with his arms spread out. I sat up from the chair and crawl onto the bed to straddle his waist and engulf him into a hug. He tensed up a bit, but then began to relax and hug me back.

"Happy birthday dol-Finn." I said softly. I hear Finn hum and I sat up straight. We look at each other and then, he sneezed. Finn sneezed all over me and my jaw fell open while I sit there with my hands open in front of me. I was shook. "Oh my god, I-I'm so sorry Millie." He rambles. I didn't mind, his sneeze sounded funny. Instead of yelling at him and jumping off of the bed to clean myself up right away, I giggled. I snorted too. Finn laughed with me. He must have had an amazing birthday.-


Well this chapter was pretty sweet and stuff, but next chapter gets real upsetting and Finn gets angry. Oh and Millie calls Finn dol-Finn (dolphin) sometimes because it's like they're nickname thing(like in Opposites Attract where they called each other Finnland and Millimeter)

You're probably wondering when we'll get to the actual Fillie fluff. Soon, my dear, soon.❤️

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