The Pool

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Hello you hungry hungry w****s. I will update tonight and tomorrow because I have absolutely nothing to do.

1 Year Ago
Finn's POV

"Guys are you watching me!? Guys watch me!" Gaten demands before doing a backflip into the pool. He splashed Noah and the little boy screamed before diving underwater to push him. I chuckle a little before I heard the gate to the public pool creaking open and I shot my head in that direction. I saw Sadie and Millie come in holding towels and bags. Sadie wore a white tshirt with a band name across the top and some short denim shorts the brunette had a towel wrapped around her body.

The girls approach me and the red head smiled at me. "Hey Finnlard. Why aren't you swimming?" She asked as she sat her stuff down on the ground beside me. I shrug with a small grin while Millie took a seat in the chair beside me. "I got tired of your boyfriend trying to drown me, so the only water I'll be touching for the rest of the day is the kind that you drink." I explain. She giggles before unzipping her shorts and slipping them.

The older girl then removed her top and I heard someone whistling. Sweet Jesus, when did Sadie start...growing? She's like an actual girl now. The redhead wearing a nice red bikini that was tied tightly around her hips and her bust tossed her clothes beside her bag before jogging towards the edge of the swimming pool and jumping in. "Why can't I look like that?" I heard Millie say and I glance over to her. She had watched Sadie too. I close my mouth again and look down to notice Millie clutching her towel towards her chest.

"What the matter, millipede?" I ask looking at her face again. She stares into my eyes and shakes my head. "It's stupid. I don't wanna talk about it, especially with you." She mutters before looking away in embarrassment and crossing her bare legs. I sigh and lean forward a little more. "Why not with me?" I quire. The brunette bit her bottom lip and looked down at her lap. "'re a boy and you wouldn't understand, ever."

I'm not sure why she's so gloomy, but she must talk about it or else it's going to bother her for the rest of her life. "Millie, has anybody else asked you what is wrong before I did today?" The younger girl finally gazed up at me through her eyelashes and shook her head. I smile and tilt my head. "Well then you should talk to me about your situation. You should always tell someone why you're upset, especially if they're the only person to even bother asking because they care the most." I advise her.

She smiles softly and looks up at the sky for a brief second only to look back down at me. "So what's the matter?" I ask patiently. The younger girl blushed and her smile went away before she nervously and sheepishly answers. "Well...I guess you could say I'm just, um a little bit jealous... of Sadie." I pinch my brows together. How can the most beautiful, kind, intelligent, angelic, sweet girl in the world be jealous of Sadie Sink?

"She's changed a lot if you hadn't noticed, but who doesn't notice? She's much...bigger than me in every way and I-...I'm sorry I feel like you're uncomfortable talking about this." Millie adds. I shake my head. "Why would you think that I'm uncomfortable?" I had asked. Millie raised an eyebrow with a small smirk. "Because you're as red as a tomato and your sweating so much it looks like you just got out of the pool." She giggles. I hadn't even noticed that I was flushed and clammy. I grab my towel from behind me and pat my forehead and bare chest to collect the sweat. "No, I'm not uncomfortable. It's just a hot day." I lie.

The brunette snickers before letting out a sad sigh. "I wish I was as thin and pretty as her. Sadie has a nice flat tummy and big boobs and a round butt. I'm the exact opposite, I bet I look like some ugly toad in my swimsuit compared to Sadie." Millie went on. So that's why she's upset, she thinks she's not pretty and perfect like Sadie. I scoot closer towards the edge of my seat and put a hand under her chin to make her look into my eyes. Hers were watery but bright making me smile a little.

"I bet you look like a super model in your bathing suit, Millie Brown. You are the most gorgeous young woman to ever walk this earth and you shouldn't feel jealous because you think someone looks better than you." I reason with the girl. I look over at Sadie in the swimming pool, standing in the shallow end with Caleb teasing her and causing her to blush. I glance back at Millie to continue. "Do you really think having curves is going to make you happy? Because you're wrong, it's confidence that will make you happy and weren't you happy to buy your bathing suit?"

Millie nodded softly and I gave her a big grin. "You were happy when you bought it and you were confident enough to buy it, no matter how it makes your body look. I want you to take off that towel and go swim in your new bathing suit. I'm sure Sadie would be twice as jealous as you are when she sees you in it and she'll probably envy you. Just be confident Mills." The brunette smiles and jumps up to hug me, almost causing me to fall back. "Thank you Finn, you're just the greatest friend ever." She whispers in my ear.

Millie stood up and unwrapped her towel from around her body. Dear god, she's smoking hot. She had on a black strapless one piece that really complimented her curves and clung to her body. My throat felt dry and my whole body felt hot. "Finn, are you listening to me?" The brunette snaps me out of my thoughts. I look into her brown eyes and try to speak, but I couldn't. I was speechless and thirsty. I nodded as I grabbed my water bottle from beside me and unscrew the cap before taking a sip without taking my eyes off her.

"I said you should come swim with me. Maybe we can have a chicken fight. I could be on top, I love being on top." I choke on my water a little. "Y-yeah, lets do that." I agree with her before she walked away to stand at the edge of the pool. Millie truly is beautiful and I'm glad she's happy in her new swimsuit.-

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