The Kiss

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4 Weeks Later
Millie's POV

I was reading the second to last chapter in that spirit book Wynona gave me when I first got here. I needed to do something to pass the time while Finn was in school. The last time I transported to him in school I scared a kid, so I've set up a few rules for myself when I'm traveling. Rule number one, only travel before and after school. Rule number two, make sure that he's completely alone when visiting. Rule number three, which is also a rule in my book, be home before midnight or else I'm permanently stuck on earth and possibly invisible to some. They're not easy to follow rules, but they keep me safe.

I slam the book shut and place it on the shelf in the reading area with a disappointed sigh. "What's the matter honey?" The woman doing yoga in the middle of the room asks. I lay across the couch with a pout. "I just miss Finn is all." I confess as I stare up the ceiling and rest a hand on my forehead. I hate being a ghost. I wish I could see Finn every second of the day. "Well you have about half an hour until he's home. You could read another book till then or you could change out of your pajamas." She suggest.

"I miss him so damn much." I moan. Noni stood up and came over to me to move my legs to the side for her to sit down. I sat up mumbling about how much I wanted to see him. "You really like this boy don't you?" She asked. I roll my eyes. "Of course I like him. I love him in fact. I wanna go now." I complain. Our doorbell rang and Noni got up to go answer the door. She swung the door open and David stood there with mail in his hand. The woman looked so surprised to see him here. "Nice leggings, Ryder." He compliments her. I smile and try to stay hidden behind the bookshelf as I listen in on their conversation.

"Thanks Harbour. What are you doing here?" She asks casually. I try to peek through little holes between books to see what's going on. David looks really tall and has a nice short hair with a pretty neat looking beard. He looks pretty fit too. He's perfect for Noni, too bad she friend zoned him. "Well I got some of your mail in my box so I wanted to stop by and give this to you." He explains as he held out the mail for her to take. He dresses kind of like a teacher who takes the job way too seriously with his old wool blazer and a little scarf. Even though I can't tell what colors he has on, I could almost guess. I do wish everything looked normal up here.

Wynona took the mail from his hand and oh my god they brushed fingertips! I ship them so hard. "Thank you...would you like to meet Millie?" She suddenly blurts out. I smile and stand up before stepping towards the door. The man looks at me with a smile. "Hey there! My name is Millie Bobby Brown, I'm fourteen years old, I'm from England but I died in America last May and let me just say that you'd be lucky to have someone like Noni as your wife."

Noni lightly smacks my shoulder. David chuckles and nods. "That's a lot of information, now allow me to introduce myself." The man starts. He clears his throat before talking again. "My name is David Harbour, I'm about thirty years older than you so you do the math, I don't really like to talk about my life much but I will say that I did die in America as well and I think that Noni is very lucky to have someone like you as a daughter."

I giggle and look at Wynona who looked very nervous and shy. "Okay well it's almost time to go see Finn so say goodbye to mister David and we'll leave." The woman in yoga pants and a tank top nervously chuckles. I smile and David and I said our goodbyes before he left and Noni shut the door. "Seriously Millie? I thought you would just say hi to him, not tell him how I'd be a great wife for him." She whines, embarrassment laced into her voice. I giggle and grab the tablet from her nightstand. "Well I think he likes you." I stated.

Noni rolls her eyes with a small smile as I search up Finn's location. He's home pretty early. "Are you coming wish me, mama?" I ask the woman standing in the kitchen. She shook her head and grabbed her glass of water. "Nah, I'm about to do some real exercise. I think you're old enough to go on your own, just be home by eight." She informs me. She's letting me go by myself? I'll be alone with Finn? I've been waiting for this moment my whole death. "Okay bye!" I squealed as I tap a button and shut my eyes with this big smile. I can't believe Finn and I are gonna be alone.

The wind blew around me as always when I'm going to visit and then it stopped. I open my eyes and see Finn in nothing but his boxers just sitting over the edge of his bed crying. I blush but am also confused as to why he's sad. I look down at the tablet in my hands and press this little button with an image that kind of looks like an eye that's next to his profile. I gaze up at the boy again. "Hey...what's wrong?" I ask and he stops sobbing. He glanced up at me with so much sadness in his eyes as I sat the iPad down on his dresser.

Finn took a quick peek down at himself and tried to cover himself up with his hands and arms. "I'm so sorry." He apologizes. I sat next to him on the bed while shaking my head. "It's fine Finn, I've seen you naked dozens of times before." I casually say, but then regret admitting it. Now he knows all the things that I've seen. It's not like I was watching him get dressed that time though, I just happened to show up as soon as he got out of the shower.

"W-what?" He looks at me with big teary eyes and his cheeks grew pink. If my heart was still beating, it'd be out of control right now. "Nothing. I didn't say anything." I rushed out before trying to change the subject, but Finn beat me to it. "Why didn't you come over that day?" I was absolutely speechless. I don't know why I didn't just go to his house. If I did I wouldn't be putting him through so much pain.

I put a hand on his very warm shoulder and part my lips to speak. "I-...I don't know. I was so stupid to not just come here and hang out for an hour or two." I pause and look up at him. More tears cascade down his cheek as he stares into my eyes. "I loved you." He confessed. My lips twitched into a smile and tears began to build up in my eyes. "I know... I did too." I pause and watch his lip quiver. A tear fell down from my eye. "I still love you." I whisper.

The boys eyes dart down to my lips and he slowly leans in. This is it, my first kiss and it's with the guy I've had a crush on for years. His eyes slowly shut and his lips began to part so I did the same thing. Before our lips could meet, his door flew open and his mom stood there. "I hope you're reading a book since you didn't go to school today." She says, looking at her son. I'm glad she can't see me. If she could, Mrs.Wolfhard would lose her marbles at the sight of a ghost. "I did, don't worry." He reassured the woman. She raised an eyebrow and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

I turn to look at Finn again with such confusion. "Why didn't you go to school today?" I ask. He grabs the back of my neck and crashes his lips into mine. I melt into the kiss as our lips moved in sync. My hands rest on his shoulders and his are holding my face. This is the greatest moment in because I just feel so alive when I'm with him. I love Finn Wolfhard.


*WHIP* my plans got cancelled so I'm updating on my regular schedule again this week. Fml also I hope you liked this

ALSO here are the shoutouts for people who got the fourth stage of grief right, which is depression. WE LOVE DEPRESSION! I have bipolar depression. I'm a biracial, bisexual, bipolar bitch...anyways SHOUTOUTS:


Not a lot of people really got it this time, but that doesn't really matter. I might change some things up a bit though. Anyways I'm leaving now because I'm exhausted.👻

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