The Anger

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Finn's POV

I rode my bike through the woods as fast as I could to Noah's house. He didn't tell me why I had to come over, he just said that the squad would be there and I had to be there as well. I hope I'm not late. I stop right in front of his old creepy house in the dark woods. I threw my bike down and ran to the front door to open the unlocked door panting. "Sorry I'm late. Maybe if you didn't live in the middle of nowhere like the rest of us, Noah, then I wouldn't have had to ride my bike through these scary ass woods." I spat at him before sitting between Sadie and Noah.

The youngest rolls his eyes and I see that they're all sitting around a ouija board in the dark. "What the hell?" I ask looking up at everyone in confusion. Sadie looks up at Caleb with disappointment. "You didn't tell him?" "I knew he wouldn't have came if I told him, so no." He defends. I scoff and look around again. "Tell me what!?" I ask in frustration. Gaten rolls his eyes. "We're contacting Millie through my uncle's ouija board." He explains.

My eyes expanded. I didn't know how to respond. Should I be scared? What if we encounter something that's not Millie? What if this is all just a prank set up by everyone? "We're not gonna talk to Millie!" I yell at them. Sadie puts a hand on my shoulder to calm me down. "We already did and she said she wants to talk to you." The red I informed me. I pinch my brows and my jaw clenched. I knew this was a prank. These guys have no respect for her either.

"This is a prank, isn't it!? You guys are just trying to scare me or mess with me because you all know that I like-..." I stopped my ranting. I almost admitted something that I've never told anyone in this world about. I wasn't ready to tell them, they'd think I'm a freak for having a crush on a dead girl. Everyone looks up at me in shock and utter confusion. "That...I like talking to ghosts." I said. They all sigh and roll their eyes. "Just put your hand on the thingy and ask Millie questions." Gaten says.

I put two fingers on the triangle thing and take a deep breath. Everyone else had removed their hands to prove to me that this wasn't a prank. "Mills...what's my nickname?" I ask. I wanted to ask a question that she would know the answer to just to make sure this wasn't some random spirit. The piece moves across the board and I say the letters out loud. "D-O-L-F-I-N-N." Dol-finn. That's what Millie has called me since the beginning of our friendship. This must be her. I have so many questions I wanna ask her.

"Where are you?" I whisper looking around at the group. They all smile at me as the triangle moves. "R-I-G-H-T. Right. H-E-R-E. Here. Right here?" I was stunned. Millie's here? Where is here? In this room here? That's not what I wanted to hear. I wanna know more about my dreams. Is she there in that windy dark place? Maybe I should just move onto the next question. I lick my dry lips as I try to come up with new questions. "Have you been watching us since you've gone?" I query. The piece moved once again over the yes.

Millie's been watching us? Watching us how? Is she haunting us? What has she seen? "What have you seen?" I whisper softly to the board as I lift my fingers. The piece moves. "L-E-T-T-E-R-S. Letters." Everyone spoke. She's read my letters. Does that mean she knows about my dream. "Letters? Like the alphabet?" Caleb asks. I roll my eyes at him. "No dummy. The letters I'm supposed to write to Millie everyday. They help me get over her." I explain. If Millie reads my letters, then she must know everything I've done and thought of since she's left.

"Do you know about the dream!? What does it mean!? Are you there!? Have you been there!?" I scream at the board. Noah grabs my arm and I shook it off. I was getting pissed. I hate that I have to talk to her through some stupid game. Why did she die? Why can't she just speak to me instead of moving this silly thing around? The piece moved again across the bottom of the board. Goodbye. "Goodbye? Goodbye!? No! Come back!" I yell.

The candle beside the board went out and everyone gasp. All I could do was scream and cry. "I hate this! I hate you guys! She's gone! She hates me!" I scream as I pick up the board and throw it across the room. I put my head between my knees and scream. I was clawing at my scalp. She wouldn't tell me anything. She wouldn't talk. She left because she hates me. "Finn, it's okay. Millie was probably just scared. We'll do it again, but ask one question at a time." Gaten says as he sets up the board again.

I vigorously shook my head while I shout. "No! No! I don't wanna! Leave me alone! No!" Everyone was yelling back at me, telling me to calm down. I wouldn't calm down. Then suddenly, everyone stopped. I stopped too and look around at everyone. They all were looking at the board in fear. I look down as well. The piece was over the no. "It moved. Is she here?" Noah says. Tears were all over my face as we all just stare down at the board.

"Millie? Is this you?" Caleb questions. The piece moved slightly then back to the no. My eyes grew. Who is this? I knew we would encounter something scary. "W-who are you?" I quiver in fear and sadness. The piece shifts quickly across the board. It scans over so many letters. Then it stopped after moving quickly for so long. "I know your dreams, Finn." Gaten concludes. Whoever we're talking to knows about my dreams. What does it mean though? "Where is it, the dream?" I asked. The triangle moves more, fast. "U-P-S-I-D-E-D-O-W-N. Upside down." The group says. I was shaking. What is the upside down?

The piece moved again. No one had asked a question, it just moves. "A-N-G-E-R." Anger. More tears came out. The second stage of grief, anger. I am angry. I sob some more as what ever ghost was speaking to us says goodbye. I couldn't stop myself from getting angry, it just happened. I thought I could avoid the anger, but I didn't. I needed more help then just writing in that journal with the leather backing that Millie gave me for my fifteenth birthday. I don't know what to do anymore.


Hey so since I wanna end this book sooner, I'll be updating every Friday and Sunday now! Yay! *double whip*

So what do you think that they've encountered?

Was it Millie playing a mean prank?

Does anybody know what the third stage of grief is?

If you answer all 3 of those questions correctly, you get a shout out within the next like 3 chapters and a follow from me, the author.🖤

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