C H A P T E R 4

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-First real talk.


He just smiled.

She really just saw Logan Rendall smile.

She thought she might as well faint.

The fact that he asked her if everything was alright made her feel a type of way. She don't know why he made her feel this way. Maybe because someone finally asked. Someone really asked her if She was alright, and it made her feel happy because there is someone out there that actually cares.

Or maybe he just asked because he felt like he should. Just too bad that she lied. Denya wasn't fine,not at all but she will be one day. That's probably the day that She will forget about her brother. But in all honesty,she don't think that day will ever come. She don't think that she will be able to forget him.

In that moment she felt like she could cry her eyes out. Thinking about her brother broke her heart all over again. So she just looked everywere but she didn't look them in the eyes.

"I'm going to the bathroom." She told them while standing up.

"Okay." June mumbled.

"Don't stay there too long." Klarisa added.

She walked away form them and made her way to the bathroom. She pushed the blue door open and she was met with Lena who was putting her make-up on.

"Hey Lena." She said while waving at her, attempting to be nice. However Lena just looked her up and down and laughed.

"Please don't do that." She said while she continued putting her make-up on.

"I'm just saying hello to a friend." Denya said confused.

Lena put her lipstick away and came close to Denya. Her attitude changed and she don't know why. Denya felt like lena could slap her in the face at any moment now.

"Isn't it sad that we aren't friends anymore,Denya?" She said "Not that I mind I never gave a shit about you anyway."

That hurt.

"Oh and the reason why your brother left is because he was tired of that shitty family. I always wanted to say this but It was really sad to see you cry like that. If he cared about you he would have stayed Denya. Just to bad that he didn't."

An other punch to her face, an other reason to wonder what she did so wrong.

"Why did you...say that?" She laughed and was playing with her hair.

"Well sweetheart someone had to tell you." Lena then pushed me to the side and slammed the door shut.

Her heart broke the second time that day, and she just did what she had wanted to do in the first place.

She didn't want to cry, she felt like at this point she was crying for no reason. The tears won't bring anyone back, the tears won't change her situation. The tears will only make her more vulnerable than she already was. However that did not stop her.

There was no end.

She was falling in that whole again and there is no one to help her out. She had an empty whole on her chest that he created when he left and no one was able to fill it up. Denya wondered when she will stop being so hurt about little things like this? When will She stop carring about all of that. Because here she was in the bathroom crying her eyes out. While she could have done something more important. Perhaps make new friends, and new memories that possible could bring her more happiness. Maybe watch movies to distract herself, yet here she was again. Stuck in the past, with no way out. Denya got a grip of herself and wiped her tears away, and walked out of that bathroom like nothing ever happend.

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