C H A P T E R 28

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It had been two weeks or maybe even three, she wasn't sure. What Denya was sure of is the fact that she forgot to count. Since that day counting days wasn't her thing anymore. She was on cloud nine all the time and no one knew why. She felt as if nothing could go wrong. She felt powerful, unbreakable. It was as if luck was on her side and hurt had left her vocabulary. Maybe they were right, it can hurt for awhile, but it always comes to an end.

She tried to stop smiling but she couldn't contain herself. Her smile only grew wider when she thought about him, it was even worse if he was here. Her brother Brandon stared at his little sister being all happy. Brandon trows a pillow at her face and Denya looks up.

"Was that necessary?" She asked her brother with raised eyebrows.

"Who is the lucky one?" He asked her with raised eyebrows.

"The lucky one? No one." She tried to convince him but they both knew she was lying.

She checked herself out in the mirror and stared back at Brandon. He was watching her every move. Brandon wasn't sure about what to do but he was afraid. We all know high school romance doesn't end well most of the time.

"I'm dropping you off." He told her and grabbed his keys.

"Wait I thought-" Brandon grabbed his coat. "I changed my mind."

She chuckled and grabbed her coat too. She bends over to grab her jacket that for some reason was lying on the floor, and she could feel her skirt raise up. Denya put her coat on and checked herself out again. Her black mini dress was paired with some heels. Her hair was in a bun on the top of her head.

"You look great Denya let's go." Brandon screamed after her and she hurried out the house and closed the door behind her.

"Okay where are we heading again?" Brandon asked his little sister that was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Logan's house." She told him and her smile grew wider.

"Okay." He said and started driving away.

Denya had been staying over at her brothers house because she wanted to catch up on the years she had missed with him. Her father was okay with it but she could still feel how her father didn't like him that much.

They arrived at the house and not every one arrived yet. Her brother walked with her inside the house and she felt as if she was a little kid to afraid on her first day of school. She saw her friends and walked over to them. Denya hugged everyone and she saw how they all looked behind her.

"Brandon meet klarisa and Dean." Denya told him and he smiled and shakes their hands.

"You have already met Jay and June some years back." She told him and looked around the house.

"Yeah I remember them." He said and stared at his little sister.

The house was decorated the music wasn't on yet. Logan wasn't here even though it's his birthday party. He turned 18 today and everyone felt like they had to celebrate this. Logan didn't want a birthday party since he didn't like parties. The loud music and alcohol, the sweaty people on the dance floor. He didn't like any of that, not even a little bit.

"So I will be going okay." Brandon told his little sister and kissed his cheeks.

"We will take care of her." Jay told him and Brandon nodded before walking away.

Right after Brandon left a lot more people arrived. She knew Logan was popular but this were a lot of people. Music started playing and Klarisa pushed her towards the dance floor. All teenagers sticking to each other like second skin. Not leaving the one behind. It made her feel some type of way, but her unwanted thoughts soon disappeared when her favourite song started playing.

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