C H A P T E R 22

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As she walked in the store to buy her beloved ones a gift, she felt pairs of eyes watching her.
She wasn't sure where it came from but she felt it, she looked around to possibly meet familiar eyes, but she saw nothing. Denya ignored it and looked at some hoodies for June, since June loved them so much she thought about buying her one. Her eyes scanned a blue hoodie in the distant and walked over there, just when she was about to grab it, it got snatched by someone els. When she looked up she understood why she felt like someone was watching her. It was him again, his green eyes watched her intensely. She let go of the hoodie, suddenly she felt like the hoodie wasn't that pretty anymore. Denya felt like there are other stories with better clothes so she turned around and wanted to run away. For her being able to run away ment being free. But she deep down knew she was far from being free, in fact she was a bird trapped in a cage. It wasn't in her power to fly away.

"Wait." The brown headed boy screamed and Denya her body froze.

He was still able to make her body sweat in an instant out of fear, after all this years he was still able to make her feel like the little girl she used to be or maybe still was. Honestly she had no idea of what was happening to her, but she knew she didn't want to turn around and face him. Denya didn't want to see the face that made her cry everyday, but her body turned around on it's own. Her eyes scanned his face and Denya was scared, maybe even terrified. She remembered how kind eyes could still turn out to be evil. Her heart was beating faster and she was overwhelmed with sadness.

"Stay away from me." Denya finally managed to get out.

He was hurt and Denya knew that but he didn't have the right to be. He was the one that brought her pain not the other way around.

"I-I just want tell you something." He told her while holding his hands behind him.

"I seriously don't want to hear it." She told him and for once she felt a little anger building up inside of her.

He looked defeated maybe even sad. He breathed out and looked at the brown skin girl in front of him. "It's going to be quick, I promise." He tried to reassure her, but Denya ended up laughing in his face. It wasn't the type of laughter that you would think of, Denya wasn't laughing because she thought he was funny. No far from that, he was stupid thinking that she would trust his words ever again.

"Okay I shouldn't have said that, but I really just want to talk to you." He tells her while taking a step closer towards her.

Denya knew him and also remembers how he acted like, she remembered what he likes and dislikes. She remembered how he didn't like waiting or to not get something he really wanted. At this point it surprised her that he didn't snap yet.

"What do you want?" She asked him but was still on edge.

"Can we go somewhere more private?" He asked Denya, and she immediately shook her head. "There is a coffee shop right next to this store let's go there." He suggested.

Denya knew better than to trust anything that came out of his mouth. Maybe it was because it was December and it brought her joy, or maybe it was because she had been in such a good mood lately that she gave in. He smiled at her in a tender way and led her in the coffee shop first. They sat on a table across from each other. A girl around her age walked up to there table and asked what they wanted to drink. Denya told her that they were okay and that they didn't want anything and the girl walked away confused when she got that answer.

"I just want to say that I'm sorry, I am really sorry. We didn't start of great and I have hurt you a lot in the past, and I'm truely sorry for that. I know it's kinda too late to say sorry, the damage already has been done." He said and looked her in her eyes with sincerity. "But I don't want you to live in the past anymore, I don't want you to look at me the way you do. The-" Denya was indeed hurt, she was in the past and she is now.

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