C H A P T E R 23

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Short black dress with black boots. Dark brown curls  touching her shoulder and hiding most of her face. Smile so bright he was sure the sun could be jalouse. Swinging her hips with June right next to her. Having a great time like it could be her last. Logan would be lying if he said he didn't feel something right then and there. He tried to not look her way or at least not making it obvious, but it was pretty hard.

She placed her hands around June's waist and was dancing extremely close to her. Logan smiled at the sight of the girl he fall for. He looked the other way and tried to ignore the urge to look back. Logan went outside of Jays house to smoke.

He haven't seen Ezra in a while, but he knew they were officially still dating. If Trina was telling the true or if she was lying he had no idea. At the same time he didn't see why she would lie. Trina was never the type to say things in the open without a good reason. So maybe let's say there is a small possibility that she is getting played.

He couldn't get it over his heart. The thought someone could hurt a soul as nice as hers is mind blowing. The rage he felt for the past week was starting to show itself again. Logan took a cigarette and lit it on, he was about to place it in his mouth but Jay took it out of his hand.

"I dare you." Logan said loudly while glaring at Jay.

"Damn my dude what got you upset?" Jay asked and let the smoke escape his mouth.

"I really don't feel like talking." Logan said with rage present in his voice.

"Is it about Denya?" Jay wondered out loud.
Logan was quiet and looked at nothing in  particular. "It's about Denya." Jay concluded.

"I'm going to break her heart." He whispered softly and looked up the sky.

"What are you talking  about?" Jay asked but this time with full attention.

"She is really going to hate me isn't she?" He wondered out loud. Jay looked at his friend confused.

Logan remembered the promise he made. He would never hurt her, yet here he is about to turn her whole world upside down. She already have issues at home, and he was about to make it worse. She deserved better.

"Fuck." He screamed and caught Jay off guard.

"I honestly don't care about the stupid decisions you make, but it seems like this involves Denya." Jay turned around and looked at his friend.

Logan was losing his mind because the only thing he ever wanted was Denya to be happy, but would she be happy if she founds out. He can't tell her the true since he doesn't have any evidence. What's the propose of this all? Break Denya's heart and than what? He punched the wall right next to him to calm his nerves.

"You know that if you break it you paying for it?" Jay asked Logan.

"As if I can break a fucking wall." Logan told Jay annoyed.

"Well you never know. Maybe you have some hidden superpowers." Jay said while chuckling.

"Where is Ezra?" Logan could feel his hand trembling in anger.

"Somewhere inside I haven't seen him. I will say it again, if you break it you pay it." Dean screamed after Logan but he wasn't sure if he heard it since he was already gone.

Logan looked around the crowd of teenagers. He went to the kitchen to see if Ezra was there but saw one of Ezra's friends instead. They told him he was in the garden so Logan walked to the garden.

He was sitting in a corner watching people play in the pool. His eyes found Logan's and he frowned his eyebrows. "Hello." Is all Ezra told Logan before attempting to walk away, but Logan stoped him and blocked his way. "I'm not in the mood L-" Ezra stopped talking mid -sentence because he notice. The look in his eyes and the way he watched him.

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