C H A P T E R 7

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She was standing there all alone looking around. But why was she even her? Was she looking for someone. I was on my way to walking to her but someone beated me to it. When I saw who it was I frowned my eyebrows what did that dude want from my Denya.

She was uncomfortable and she looked afraid. But then that guy touched her hair and it looked like she was about to lose it. Denya said something but he grabbed her and pulled her closer. Why is he touching her?

"Logan,your father wants to speak to you." I heard his sectary say.

"He can wait." I tell her.

Denya tried to break free from his grip but she failed. I shinged.

"Nate,don't touch her." I said calmly.

"This is none of your business,Logan." He tells me anoyed.

"Don't make me repeat myself." I said with a calm tone.

He finally let her go and I pulled her closer to me. Why is she so afraid of him? It looked like she was about to cry. I got worried because I don't like seeing her sad. So I glared at Nate.

Jay saw us and walked our way. When he saw Nate he got angry. The thing about Jay is that when that boy gets angry it isn't always easy to calm him. His temper is pretty bad. Even worse than mine.I'm the only one that is able to calm him and if I'm not aroud then it's Dean. I have no idea what happend between this two. But I was afraid of how this meant end.

"Didn't I tell you not to get near her?" Jay screamed.

"Like I care about what you say." Nate said before turning around and walking away.

Jay was about to punch him but I stopped him right on time. He closed his eyes and opened them again. Jay looked mad at me.

"You should have let me punch him."

"Jay,calm down and what are you doing here with Denya?" I asked and looked at the both of them.

"I wanted to drop her home. But then I remembered
that I had to pick you up." He said while running his hand in his hair.

I was tired and I had to pay my father a visit. Not that I wanted to,I was forced. Then you have his assistent that always pisses me off. Acting like she is my mother. This was pretty pathetic don't you think. Having people think they are at the right place to tell you what you can or can't do.

"Your dad can't wait forever." She complained.

Is this women serious. I laughed at her and looked at her. "Well he waits for you when everyone isn't around right? I wonder what you two talk about. Or even what you do together." I enjoyed the look on her face. Does she think that no one knows? "Anyway,I will be right back." I tell Denya and Jay.

I walked to his office and knocked on the door. I didn't wait for his reply I just opened the door. He was standing up and looked out the window. He always did that when he was thinking. I crossed my arms and was waiting for him to talk. My father was telling his secretary to wait outside.

"I wasn't expecting you to really come." He said after sitting down again.

"Well I did, know just get to the point." I tell him inoyed.

He sighed and pointed at some documents. I took it and was reading it. This man made me come all the way just to be reading some documents that I can't care less about. I glanced at him and back at the documents.

"You know you can also call your other son instead of bothering me." I tell him while reasing my eyebrows.

"This concerns you." He tells me calmly.

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