C H A P T E R 16

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I could hear his voice all day long, hearing him talk was enough to bring a smile on my face. He had his arms around me while I sat on his lap. Ezra had this big smile on his face aswell and I felt my heart melt. We were at the libary studying - Well I was studing for my math test. Ezra was just here bothering me and distracting me but of course I didn't mind.

He placed small kisses on my neck, and I told him to stop. I didn't like attention and he knew that. He pulled me even closer to him and held me tighter in his arms, it was like he was afraid that I will go away.

"Ezra can you stop this is the last time I'm studying with you." I said annoyed.

"No it's not and you will do great on your test like always." He answerd without letting go.

"And I said..I wanted to take it slow remember?" He had a smirk displayed on his face and he moved my face closer to his. He placed his tumb on my lips.

"I know Den I just can't help it." Right when those words left his mouth he strated placing kisses all over my face. Ezra placed his left hand on my waist and his right hand was holding my chin. That's when I realized he was going straight for my mouth this time. I felt his lips on mine and was a little schoked but then I Kissed him back. His soft lips was moving slowly against mine.

I kinda felt special....somehow I felt alive.

"Y'all doing math or chemistry?" I heard someone ask behind me.

When I saw who stood infront of I was taken-back. Since when does he go to the libary? Jay isn't the type of guy that studies. My eyes landed on the boy next to him. Logan was wearing a white hoodie, with black sweatpants. His hair was messy as always. He looked extreemly cute, but I won't tell him that. Last time he told me that I was offending him by calling him cute. Something about stepping on his ego.

"Hi guys." I said happy to see them. "I didn't know you two would be here... in a library."

"Well Denya I enjoy studying in silence and with full consentration just like you, alltough you looked quite distracted." Jay was talking about me and Ezra and I felt myself blushing.

"Can you not?" I asked him while looking at the ground.

"Honsetly I'm hurt."

I looked up at Jay to see if he was joking. He looked sad but I know that he was faking it.

"Why?" My eyebrow raising in confusion.

"You didn't give me a hug." He said annoyed.

I rolled my eyes. "Aww is Jay sad?" I asked him but still gave him his hug.

I hugged Logan too, his right hand on my hip and the other on my head. Why did he have to be so tall? He placed a soft Kiss on my forhead before letting go.

"Well guys I need to pass this class so no distraction."

The 3 boys laughed in my face, but did not bother me for the rest of the day witch I was thankful for. After studying I somehow ended up in this weird bar. How we got in I have no idea since we are only 17-18 years old. The boys were drinking even when I tried to stop them.

Ezra was in a deep talk about how we are not ourself but we are how people want us to be. Let's just say it was getting late and I had no idea how to get them home. And that wasn't even the worse I felt uneasy since Logan and Ezra were giving each other weird glances. Ezra whrapped is arm around my shoulder with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes at him but still smiled.

Around two hours has passed buy and I tried to get them outside but it was just one girl against 2 moody guys that didn't want to move.

"Guys please stand up and let's go home." I shouted in frustration.

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