C H A P T E R 21

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Sometimes It gets hard for Logan to breath. To just fill in his lungs with oxygen. He have dreams about drowning and sinking. He had dreams about living a happy life but he isn't so sure about how to do that.

When you find people that love you, you don't let go of them. You keep them close to you because losing them would hurt too much. He knew what the drill was but he was so used to letting everyone down that he wanted to do the same thing again. Logan didn't care about love anymore or the people around him that claimed to believe in him. He didn't see why he should spend his time caring about someone that would leave him in a matter of seconds. Logan just didn't understand why he should put affords in taking care of someone while he could just leave them. Because he knew he could, everyone that knew him are aware of that. Logan was never the type to love someone with his whole heart. His heart had always been in pieces.

Hatred has always been a part of him. Letting it go would be to hard so he held on to it. Sadly she is starting to notice.

"Mom and Dad are not going to be home for two weeks, but mom wanted me to make sure that you will spend the night here every day." Logan didn't look at his brother while he was talking to him. In fact he never spared him a glance. His eyes were on Denya and the way she rolled her eyes at him made him smile.

"Can you at least look at him?" Her voice was filled with annoyance but Logan thought that she was cute when she got mad.

He turned his head to his bother's direction and frowned his eyebrows.

"Why?" Logan didn't want Denya to be mixed in his family matters. But today he felt more anger than he usely do. He couldn't control the way his fist balled up and the way he looked at his brother.

"Mom wanted you home, so you should be home. Don't make a big deal out of this Logan. I'm really not in the mood." Kian stood up from his seat and walked towards the kitchen.

"It's funny,isn't it?" Logan asked his brother. Kian turned around and looked slightly confused. "What is so funny?" Kian kind of knew where this was going but maybe today Logan wasn't feeling like the whole world was against him.

"How everyone is suddenly starting to care." Denya was quiet and looked at Kian who looked extremely hurt. She wasn't sure if she should say something but at the same time this wasn't something Logan has every told her before.

"We have always c-" Kian didn't have the chance to finish his sentence because he got corrupted by a laughing Logan.

"Let's go they are waiting for us." Logan ignored his brother and walked out of the house. He heard how Denya apologised for his behaviour but he didn't mind it. She doesn't understand. Denya stepped inside of his car and they drove off. He looked in front of him but he could feel how Denya was watching him.

"If you want to say something, than just say it." Logan briefly glanced at her and looked back at the road.

"Are you okay?" Logan turned his head around to look at her.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked her and stopped the car since they reached their destination.

"I'm just making sure." She told him and walked out of the car.

They were on a double date and he honestly wanted to go back home. He actually never wanted this but Trina felt like this was a good way to bond. Logan had no idea what she meant by that because the last time he checked they all got along well, maybe she just wanted to get closer to Denya but this time in a good way. Since everyone really wanted to go he just went along with it.

When he stepped inside of the house a lot of memories came rushing back but he brushed
them all of, this was not the time to get sensitive. Trina went all out with the food again. There were so many snacks for this movie night and he looked at Denya to see her reaction. She had a smile on her face.

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