C H A P T E R 6

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She was 4 years old, about to turn 5 and she could count to 10. Well sometimes she would mess it up, but that didn't stop her. When she turned 11 she was afraid of people.When she reached 12 she started to be afraid of the world. Denya thought something was wrong with her. Why wasn't she like the other girls? She felt bad because she was different. But being different isn't bad,right?

So she cried that whole night.No one heard her crying for help. The next day she got to school just to be hurt all over again. June didn't know what had happend but she did. One of the reasons why she hated him was the fact he made her feel so weak.

Denya finally turned 13 and nothing changed. He was still hurting her in every way possible. She was stupid to think that he will stop today,but she told herself the same thing yesterday too. Why was he like this? Did she do something wrong to him to hate her like this.

He finally moved away and he changed from school too. But his words cut her very deeply. Not even sure that her wounds were ever going to heal. But again she didn't say a word and still hated him. June and Klarisa didn't notice. The way she stoped trying. The way she quit everything that she enjoyed. The way she never looked at a mirror again. It was sad but it was worth it she thought, but Denya didn't understand. He was gone.Wasn't everything supposed to be fine?Why did she still feel this way after he left for almost 4 years?

"Are you okay?" Denya heard Jay ask her while he was drawing in his book.

"Yeah." She tell him.

He glanced her way and focused again on his drawing. "You're lying."

"No,I'm not." She told him trying to convince him.

"I know you don't like me but at least just tell me what's on your mind." He says but there was something different. Denya took a deep breath and glanced at Jay.

"We're in class Jay."

"I don't really care that much."

A chuckle left her lips, she actually don't hate him. In fact she even started liking him in a friendly way, yet It just made her feel sad for every girl he dumps. Maybe he will realize that it's not a good thing to play with someones heart like that. Jay and Denya stood up and made their way to the next class. She could see he was tired and he didn't want to come to school. We sat next each other in class again. But this time Trina was glaring at us, well more like she was glaring at Denya. She felt so uncomfortable. Trina started throwing paper sheets at her, but it landed next to Jay. He glanced at Denya and turned around to face Trina. He picks up the piece of paper and reads what was written on it. She didn't know what Trina wrote on it but Jay was mad. In all honesty it was really surprised because she had never saw him like this. He only gets this mad when it's about June.

"I really would slap you if you weren't a girl." Jay said while facing her.

"It wasn't even about you." Trina defends herself.

"So because it's not about me you think I wouldn't be affected?" He asked her angry.

"I just said that people wouldn't like her even if she hang out with you guys. She thinks to highly of herself." She laughed and some people were laughing with her. But Jay looked so angry that they stoped immediatly.

"I already told Adrian but I'm just going to say it again,watch your damn mouth." Jay said loudly the teacher stopped and looked at us.

"Whats going on?" But no one answerd her question.

"She just a low life Jay. Just like the others,what are you so angry about? I'm just telling the truth." Trina was playing with her hair and she just didn't care about Jay's bad temper.

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