C H A P T E R 10

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I woke up not really excited or happy, since my parents had a huge fight yesterday I felt like shit. Being in school didn't make anything better. Everyone was whispering  and looking at a specific direction. Me being curious I followed their stares. Klarisa was leaning on her locker kissing Dean. She never told me about her liking Dean, but I'm probably the only one to blame since we haven't been hanging out together as often. I made my way to my locker changed my books for first periode and went to the bathroom.

Trina and Lena were putting make up on. I couldn't help but remember what happend last time, I decided to not greet her anymore even when I wanted too. Walking alone to class wasn't realy something I was used to. The classroom was empty since I was too early.

"Hey Denya good morning." My teacher greeted me.

"Hey Miss Brend good morning to you too." I said while taking a seat in the back.

I rested my head on the tabel and closed my eyes. As time passed you could hear more and more students entering the classroom. After a few minutes Miss Brend started teaching and I was paying attention. I had this class with Logan but he wasn't here. 'probably skipping school again.' I thought too myself. Almost a houre past and someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." Miss Brend said annoyed.

Logan looked sad and his dark hair was covering his forhead. He looked at the teacher and had an apologetic look on his face.

"Sorry that I was late my mom is in the hospital."

"Oh I-is she okay?" The teacher asked.

"Yeah I hope so."

"Well take a seat Logan."

He sat beside me and kissed my forhead. I rolled my eyes. We were leaving the classroom and I slapped his arm.

"What was that for?" He asked supprised.

"Well for lying, we all know that your mother is not in the hospital."

He laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Well that works everytime."

"You should learn how to tell the truth."

" No thanks I will rather lie."

School ended and I was standing outside with everyone except June.

"Wait since when did you two start dating?" Jay asked curious.

"A week ago." klarisa said while holding dean's hand.

"Wait It took you a whole week to tell us? I'm hurt." Jay said while wiping his fake tears away.

Dean was laughing and I was too. It really felt great to be laughing and smiling and being happy. That we are all sharing this moment together. It just felt great knowing that they are just as happy as I am, or at least I hope they are. We are just talking and cracking jokes here and there, but I for once feel like I have good friends that cares about me and that feeling feels nice. Logan brought me out of my thoughts when he held my hand. I looked up to him but he was talking with Jay about why pineapple on pizza should be banned. It crazy how my small hands fits perfectly in his.

"Okay uglies are we going too stay here her or actually go home?" Jay asked everyone.

"I don't really want to go home." Klarisa said.

Later on we all decided to go to Logans house that his parents give to him as a gift. The house was really beautiful and huge. Wasn't supprised, I mean his father owned a couple of businesses.

HIS WORDS |Editing| Where stories live. Discover now