C H A P T E R 20

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It was already winter-break and Denya could feel how happy she was. Her smile was taking over her whole face, and the sparkle never left her eyes. Everyone noticed how happy she was and also noticed the excitement over the fact that it was snowing. They thought that it was silly, snow is just snow. But to her it meant that it was a new day and a new start. She didn't want what went down the past week to trouble her anymore, so she held her head above water because it was needed.

Denya was looking at her friends that were all watching a movie in Jay's house, while she was in Ezra's arms. She had missed them a lot, the past week she didn't really go out, and if she did it was just to see Ezra. So it was nice to be all together again. But it was weird without Logan around. She didn't see him for 3 days and she was started the worry. The last time she saw him they were both hurt. And as his friend Denya couldn't help it but worry about him.

Denya stood up with her phone in her hands and walked towards the kitchen. She tried to call him a couple of times but he didn't pick up his phone. She slowly started panicking and walked towards the living room were everyone was watching tv.

"Guys did you see Logan for the past 3 days?" Denya asked everyone in the room.

They all looked at here for a brief moment and shook there head. Dean took his phone out and tried to call Logan himself, but he didn't answer his phone just like he did 5 minutes ago.

"He isn't picking up." Jay said while looking at Dean's phone.

Denya found herself overthinking about the whole situation. What if he finally broke down? Is he at home? Should I go to his house. Going to his house wouldn't be a good idea because he never wants Denya to go there, but she was slowly losing her cool.

"You're just overthinking Denya, he probably doesn't want to be surrounded by people, you know how he is." Klarisa tried to calm Denya down but Denya just had a gut feeling telling her that something was indeed wrong.

"Even when he doesn't want to be surrounded by people, he always picks up when I call him." Denya mumbled to herself but Ezra heard her.

"What do you want to do? Go to the police station and declare him missing?" Ezra said while having a amused smile on his face.

Denya didn't look him in the eyes because this wasn't the time to be joking around. She took jay's keys that were laying on the table and took big steps towards the frontdoor.

"Wait hold on Denya, where do you think you're going with my car?" Jay looked at the girl with wild curls.

"I will be right back I promise, I just have to see he didn't do something bad." Denya told him and closed the door behind her.

With that she walked out of the house and stepped inside of Jay's car and started driving to Logan's house. She had never been there but she knew where it was. The mansion started to get into view and Denya was wondering if this was a good idea. Did she really need to step inside of his house, maybe if she called him again there is a chance he will pick up this time. Denya finally stepped out of the car and walked up to Logan's front door. She rang the bell and waited for someone to open the door. It took them 5 minutes, she knew that because her eyes never left her watch.

"Can I help you?"

Denya looked up to see who she was talking to. She was met with the same pair of green eyes that seemed so familiar, staring back at her. He had light brown hair and he was tall. She smiled at him. "I'm a good friend of Logan, and I was wondering if he was home."

"You want to know where he is?" The boy with green eyes chuckled and took a step back. "Come inside." Denya followed his orders and stepped inside of the house.

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