C H A P T E R 27

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He wasn't supposed to be awake and watch the sunrise but he couldn't hold back. To him it was beautiful the way everyone spoke in his place. Logan felt like he wasn't taking himself seriously, he felt as if he was a clown. Joking to himself and making a fool out of himself. He didn't mean to be distant towards her. Logan didn't want to be cold, but all of this was so new for him.

Feeling love run trough is body wasn't a feeling he was used to. In fact he didn't knew what love was until today. If you ask Logan what he understands under the word Love, he would probably call her name. Logan would tell you a story about the girl with wild curls and big dreams. He would tell you about the girl that made his heart skip a beat. He would tell you about everything but also nothing at the same time. Denya always made time pass by so easily, she always spoke with kindness in her eyes.

It was crazy to him how hard everything was. Since when became loving someone so hard. He wanted to tell her, he really wanted to but the words got stuck in his mouth. Every time he wanted to speak out the three words, his vocal cords started shaking. Every time he wanted to tell her, his started overthinking.

It had already be a few weeks, so maybe today would be a good day to let her know. There is still a chance that she isn't completely over Ezra. Maybe it was better for him to wait a little longer, or maybe he just needed to spill it out. Crazy how he wasn't getting much sleep but spending time overthinking instead. He even thought about writhing her love letters. The kind you hid inside of someone locker, or the other kind you slip it into someone's bag without them knowing. He was considered writhing her a song in stead, Logan wasn't sure if a letter would be enough. Maybe he should write a whole book dedicated to her. To Denya with the pretty eyes and the pretty smile.

How could someone be so un-perfectly perfect, how could she leave him so blinded. Denya wasn't perfect but in his eyes that was what made her perfect. That made him fall in love, to realise that the beauty queen with nightmares was jus as scared of daydreams. It made him believe that she wanted a knight in shining amor to save her, but it had always crossed his mind. What if the beauty queen didn't want to be saved. Yet he was whiling to sacrifice himself. Logan wasn't scared of dying, he never was.

As he was getting ready for school he could feel the boys watching him. Jay and Dean stayed over and at least they slept the whole night. He didn't want to tell them what was bothering him, but he was sure they already knew. Jay looked at his watch and glanced back at him.

"Why are you rushing?"

Logan sighed and checked his watch twice. "I thought it was-" Logan stopped talking and dropped his bag on the floor. "Never mind." He sat down and checked his phone for any messages but didn't find the ones he actually wanted to see.

"Just tell her." Dean spoke up and tried to help Logan out, but it only brought more chaos into his head.

"I mean it can't be that hard to just tell her how you feel." Dean tried to convince his friend, but Logan had his thoughts somewhere els.

"She is happier know that she find her brother right?" Logan's question floated in the air just to leave them confused.

"Yeah she is happy about-" Logan cut Jay off. "Well it should stay like that."

Dean and Jay glanced at each other and looked back at Logan. Red eyes because of the sleepless nights. His usual brown messy hair was even more messy. Face stone cold like he used to be before she stepped inside of his life.

"Logan she is not going to hate you just because you have feelings for her." Logan rolled his eyes at Dean's words.

"You don't know that." Logan said with fear on the tip of his tongue.

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