C H A P T E R 25

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Her brown curls where in a bun and her eyes were closed. The shirt Logan had given her rose  up a little so he pulled it down to cover her stomach. Her mouth was slightly open and he smiled at the way she was laying in bed. His bed was big enough for the both of them but somehow she ended up taking up the whole space. He smiled and kissed her on the cheeks.

She had been here for the past week, normally she would go back home today to celebrate Christmas with her family, and he would stay home not doing much. She asked if he and his brother wanted to celebrate with her family but Logan declined. He didn't want to bother her and her family any further. His parents were supposed to come back home today but he wasn't so sure about that. They always lied and brought your hopes to high, so he didn't expect anything from them. It was the only way he wouldn't be so disappointed, he did that a lot in the past. Now he couldn't care less where they were. His family was honestly a joke to him, he couldn't bring it in him to take them seriously.

He woke her up because he didn't want his mom to find her. He didn't want the women with an bad view on this world to see the girl in his bed. Just like he liked her wild curls and her skin, some people sadly didn't agree on that matter. Logan didn't mind protecting her from the world, he sure didn't mind protecting her from his mom either.

Logan heard several voices coming from downstairs and it made him wonder if she really had returned. He went downstairs with already a frown on his face. There she was, the women that raised him. Wearing a pencil skirt and a blazer that probably costed more than his car. Her blond locks tucked away neatly. It reminded him how badly she hated dirt. It reminded him how she saw most things as dirt. She didn't care about flesh or blood.

"You're not planning on saying hello to your own mother?" Her voice had always been something that terrified him as a kid. Her grey eyes was something that made him piss his pants till he was 8. He never liked the way she looked. His opinions still didn't change.

His father was behind her looking around the house, it's like he noticed something was different. His grey suit that matched moms skirt and not to forget his expensive watch. He rolled his eyes at the sight of his parents.

"Logan I couldn't find t-" Her voice was like music to him. Honestly he couldn't imagine not hearing it, he couldn't imagine not seeing her.

It suddenly grew quiet. Kian looked at his parents and back at Denya. It wasn't the time to be smiling like an idiot, but she was standing there while wearing his shirt that was way to big for her. Denya wasn't sure to how she should react but she saw the two middle aged people in front of her.

"Hello I'm Denya, Logan's friend." She introduced herself to his parents.

They both watched her as if she grew two heads. His mother didn't spear her a glance and looked at Logan with raised eyebrows. His father had a small smile on his face while looking at the girl in front of him. Logan whrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer to him.

"You're Logan's friend?" His fathers deep voice startled her a little but she nodded her head.
"I'm his dad, nice to meet you Denya." The tall man said and shook her hand.

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself Logan?" The lady with blond hair spoke up. "Did all of your senses leave your body?" She asked again with disgust written all over her face. Logan sighed and looked at his watch to see how late it was. "What are you talking about?"

The woman finally looked at Denya and her eyes darkened. "I should probably head back home." She whispered to Logan but everyone ended up hearing her.

"Already? It looks like you just woke up, why don't you stay for breakfast?" Logan was taken back by his father proposal, but her staying longer did sound nice to him.

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