C H A P T E R 17

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The man that apparently was Denya's brother drove off, and left a really heartbroken girl behind. She wasn't far away from me but I'm sure that her cries could be heard from afar. Deep down I know that I had to comfort her, her dad didn't even look her way. At least her mom tried to hold her heartbroken daughter in her arms, but Denya didn't want her mom to touch her.

I made my way to where she was. She was kneeling down her head hung low and her eyes met mine. I was too afraid to hold her in my arms or maybe I was a coward. Telling myself that I shouldn't have her too long in my arms because Ezra wouldn't want that. But I was liar and I lied many times, if I held her in my arms I know that I would want her to stay there. She will be safe here, here with me.

"It hurts Logan, it hurts so much."

"I know Den, I know."

What do you say when someone is heartbroken? What do you do? You buy them ice Cream in the hope they will cheer up. Maybe you tell them that everything will be alright. But I think that's the problem. I don't know if everything is going to be alright. So the only thing I can do is hold her in my arms and be there for her.

"Denya." They way her mother spoke made me think about spring and the way flowers bloomed. I understand where Denya got her kindness from.

"I know you miss your brother but he can't stay with us."

When I looked up at the women, I could see her sadness in her eyes. Maybe she didn't want her son to go away too, but she was holding it in. The dad at the other hand gave me an impression that he didn't care. He opened  the frontdoor and stepped  inside the house without looking back at his wife and daughter. I picked Denya up and brought her inside of her house and led her to her room. She was laying on her bad looking at the ceiling. Her smile that I got used to was no were in sight.

"You want me to call Ezra?" I asked her slowly too afraid she would break any further.

"No I'm fine."

"If I could I would stay the whole night but I can't." My voice was above a whisper, seeing her heartbroken made me feel heartbroken.

She looked at me for a breef moment and stands up. I felt her arms whrap around my torso and her head pressed on to my chest. My arms automatically hugged her back.

"You can go home Lo, I will be fine."

"Okay just remember that it's okay to feel hurt Denya, you don't have to be strong all the time. If you need me you know where you can find me." I said with a grin but it didn't stay on my face for too long.

She nodded and told me to get home safe. With her words on my mind I got inside my car and drove back home.

We are all human beings so we make mistakes but I coudn't understand what really was going on with Denya's family. I mean my family isn't perfect either. But her father's reaction isn't really a reaction you have when you havn't seen  your Son in 3 years. He looked mad almost as if he just wanted him gone as soon as possible.

When I got inside my house I saw a sleeping Jay and Ezra on the couch. Klarisa was sleeping too but she was in one of the guest rooms. Dean glanced at me and frowned his eyebrows.

"Here a snicker you're not yourself when you're hungry."

I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm not even hungry."

"Well what got you so stressed than?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

What happend with Denya isn't something I should tell everyone so I shook my head and told him it was nothing to worry about.

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