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Love of all sorts is practically in the air. It's just noticeable. February—the so called month of love came with different energies for everyone. Rodney is satisfied with life, and all of his college endeavors. That's him loving life. Denise is extremely happy with this new found confidence in her work ethic. This spur of the moment turned into a whole motivational week. And she's putting in the hard work that's needed, and she's currently rewarding herself with nachos.

Yeah... Nachos. That's love—loving yourself.

Gina—well Gina...

Gina is currently pouring out all her love into Kendrick's aura. Kendrick is absorbing it all. It's a clash of everything. As their tongues played a game of war, fighting to just be closer and closer.

With Malcolm out of the picture...

"Gina?" Malcolm continued to knock. "I'm really tired of these games you're playing, open the door." He continued to knock.

Kendrick grinned.

"Can we please talk later?!" She said, still holding onto to Kendrick. He looked down at her, as she looked up at him.

"If you don't wanna' talk to me then just say that." Malcolm says. "You serious about us or not?"

Gina didn't move from her position, as she just blinked until she zoned out—not knowing what to say, she sighed. "Malcolm..."

"It's cool, fuck it." He snarled. "I never cared about yo' ass anyway!"

Him walking away, angrily was heard through the hallway, and from behind the door. Kendrick held in his laugh, and when Gina stood up straight, she frowned and slightly pushed him.

"It's not funny..."

Kendrick laughed loudly, and clapped his hands together. Almost crying, from laughing so hard...

Kendrick felt as if he had full opportunity to claim Gina as his. And nothing could get in the way of that.

The two pulled away from the kiss. Gina grinned, and she brushed her thumb against his lips to wipe away her lipgloss from his lips.

"So, I got you something..." Kendrick cooed.

Gina held her hands together, and held them closer to her face as she cheesed hard. "What?"

His hands that were behind his back, came forth to reveal a plastic bag. Gina already knew what is was...

"Steak and cheese! Kendrick!" She leaped to give him a hug, as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Their eyes glistened in pure bliss, and it's beautiful to be surrounded in flame that reflected one another.

When there's love, there's also...

"You're minoring in art, while being a poli-sci major. There's nothing you can tell me, about making critically decisions."


The rolling of the eyes, and cursing under the breath. One couldn't even imagine what's going on through the mind of two nemesis sitting side by side. They're right next to each other, all of the negative energy is cramping up that loving spirit.

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