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Excuse the errors.

Up before the sunrise. Kendrick's mind and heart is heavier than it has ever been; or at least that's what he believes at the moment. He genuinely feels like he is making a crucial life decision. With no one to talk to, or confide in... He feels stuck. It's nights like this he wish someone understood him, and his disposition.

He gets that he makes it hard for people to get close to him, but how come it feels like he's the only one willing to fight to understand someone, or fight to get close with people, or even just fight for people?

He gets that he is the strong friend, and the one that always seems to have everything together and aligned. But looks can be deceiving. Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on. It may seem like he puts himself first but in actuality, looking through the hard rough exterior act that Kendrick puts on, he's a caring person—and sure he might be irrational sometimes, but he can't help it.

That's his only coping mechanism.

"Stop being a bitch, Kendrick." He talks to himself as shakes his head, and sighs before hitting submit on his application.

If I get accepted I get accepted. If I don't it's not the end of the world...

Nine AM, Denise and Gina schedule a breakfast date, just them two. Even though it has been a while since the two sat down and actually talked. The bond between them was kind of fading—yet Denise was so distracted she didn't even feel it.

Denise sat at the coffee shop, the same place she met up with Troy awhile back. She's waiting for Gina to come from track practice. So that left her with some time to think. She glanced around, as she holds her hands together.

Genuinely, she wondered sometimes if college is really for her. It's been in the back of her mind, she just never thinks to openly speak about it. At this point, she feels as if she's only in college for the experience which is kind an odd situation because she's paying thousands of dollars for it... Well Finical Aid and her parents are helping, but still—someone's paying. 

She's questioning whether this just another one of her phases, but she really has the urge to call it quits after this semester....

"Hey!" Gina cheesed, as she walked in, and towards Denise.

Denise snapped out of her deep thought and smiled. "Hey babe, how was practice?"

Gina shrugged with a chuckle. "It was practice." She said as she sat down.

"You look like you're in a good mood."

"I am!" She clapped her hands together. "I checked blackboard and guess who got A plus on her test?"

"Ooh!" Denise cooed. "4.0 season!"

"Girl, it's too damn late for that. Spring break coming up and after that... L-O-L. I'm just not trying to slip out of the 3.5 range, because my grades were some ass... They're still kind of bad, but I'm working on it."

The two share a laugh.

"Speaking of spring break." Denise starts, as Gina glances around. "Did the boys talk to you about the spring break plans?"

"Bitch, them mofos talking 'bout some damn Cancún." Gina sneered. "With what money? But um, can we get our food first?"

"Yeah, yeah... For sure."

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