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Last chapter I said they were going to have a family meeting, but change of plans! You'll see why :)) you're welcome. Guys, a bitch is in college now therefore... priorities first. Sorry for these slow ass updates
Excuse the errors ... enjoy ;)


   The sun was long gone, and the moon was out. The night sky held so many different wonders. Crazy to believe everybody on earth is looking at the same sky from a different perspective.

The car's wheels against the pavement was the only sound being heard, companied with Denise's subtle laugh.

"Denise!" Troy gasped.

Denise continued to laugh and laugh, unable to stop herself. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I can't." She tried to stop herself from laughing out loud; so she settled for a snicker instead. "I was joking."

The car came to a stop. Troy leaned over towards a hysteric Denise.

"It's really not that funny."

"Okay, okay fine. I don't really think you look thirty-five."

"Yeah, duh! Because I'm twenty-seven. Jeez." He ran his fingers through his hair.

Denise ceased her laugh, and began to smile, as she sighed in bliss. She unfastened her seatbelt. "Well, that was fun."

"Yeah, still can't believe you didn't know there was a difference between crabs and lobster." Troy chuckled.

"Shh." Denise held her finger towards her lips. "Let's just pretend that didn't happen."

"No, because you wanna' say I look thirty—"

"Oh my gosh, Troy! It's not the deep let it go!" She shoved him slightly. She kind of felt weird saying his name, but she's testing it out.

Half of her wants to get used to calling him by his first name and the other half does not want to get used to anything. She doesn't want to get caught up and end of falling head over heels for this man.

"Mhm." He locked eyes with her. His blue orbs sucked her in, and had her melting like an ice cream sundae on a hot summer day. "So, I'll see you... When?"

"Tomorrow in class, professor." She joked.

"Right, right." He laughed. "I'm—" he laughed again. "Goodnight Denise." He decided to settle with those words, just as Denise began to open the door.

"Goodnight." She cooed, getting out of the car.

He rolled the window down and watched her walk. Denise fixed her hood over her blonde hair as she turned around to look at his car once more. Her smile still bright. She waved and Troy smiled.

"Ooh! That smile!"

Denise felt hot all over, her cheeks flushed and she sang out one more goodbye before scurrying off down the sidewalk. It's dark, practically touching midnight. She didn't tell her friends where she was headed, but they all have her location so it's okay, isn't it?

Besides they all seem to be caught up in drama. Whatever the heck Kendrick and Gina were arguing about this time was none of her concern at the moment. Because she too, now has an existing love life.

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